Page 11 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 11
The “Green Curtain” as an Educational Project for
Spreading Sustainability Awareness
Ikko Tucker*
Zayed University, UAE
International Journal of Abstract. As global warming is an empirically verifiable scientific fact, human
Environment and beings are facing a crucial point of no-return. Throughout the world, many
Sustainability [IJES] governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private corpo-
ISSN 1927-9566 rations have been systematically working toward the achievement of a
Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 1-9 sustainable society; however, we are far from any noticeable advances. This
(2016) study was conducted to examine the prospect of the potential utilization of a
“Green Curtain (biological shutter)” in the UAE in order to facilitate awareness
of, and participation in, sustainable development. The Clitoria ternatea L. green
curtain was established by planting seedlings and examined for its develop-
mental and morphological characteristics and its effects on microenvironmental
conditions. Clitoria green curtains developed uniformly and effectively. The
effects of the green curtains on the microenvironment were significant in terms
of reducing air temperature and retaining higher humidity during mid-day. The
green curtain project has the potential to reduce energy consumption and to be
used as an innovative way of experiencing (and spreading awareness of)
sustainability among the general public.
Keywords. Green curtain (biological shutter); education for sustainable develop-
ment (ESD), sustainable community; greening
1. Introduction Since the 1998 Kyoto Protocol Agreement
(UNFCCC, 1998), many governmental agencies,
“The Paris Agreement allows each delegation international organizations, and global corpo-
and group of countries to go back home with rations have been systematically working
their heads held high. Our collective effort is toward the reduction of greenhouse gas emis-
worth more than the sum of our individual sions. The UAE is one of the leading countries
effort. Our responsibility to history is immense advancing this mission (Masdar, 2015). Prior to
(UNFCCC, UN Climate Change Newsroom, the Paris Agreement, the UAE Vision 2021
2015).” President of the COP 21 UN Climate stated that the “National Agenda focuses on
Change Conference and French Foreign Minister improving the quality of air, preserving water
Laurent Fabius commented about the agree- resources, increasing the contribution of clean
ment at the Paris Climate Change Conference on energy, and implementing green growth plans.
12th December 2015 (UNFCCC. Conference of (Government of the UAE, 2015).”
the Parties, 2015). As global warming is an
empirically verified scientific fact, and as human Reflecting on ourselves, we are far behind
beings are facing a critical period of no-return, following the national leaders’ views and values.
the agreement is a global achievement. On this All human beings are living in a minuscule, and
day, 195 nations agreed to work together to closed, environment - “the Planet Earth Ship.”
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to live Thus, we have a mission to be more cognizant
sustainably, and save the Planet Earth for future of, and adopt policies and behaviors to live
generations. It is an opening of a new era of within, the capacity to avoid a catastrophic
optimism towards clean energy. disaster. As an educator and resident of the UAE