Page 17 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 17

International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(1): 1-9  7

Figure 5: Correlation between mid-day (10:30-15:30) temperature and humidity between Day
                                                80 and Day 86

In the desert environment, as the sun rises and     plots are due to biological effects of natural
strong sunlight hits the ground, air temperature    curtains or due to reduced microenvironment
rapidly increases and humidity drastically          air temperatures.
drops (Figure 3b). In Clitoria plots, micro-
environment humidity remained higher than           In 2.5 months, small, delicate Clitoria seedlings
that of the control plot during mid-day (Figure     developed into a thick, and uniform, green
4b). The mean humidity during mid-day (10:30-       curtain with bright blue flowers. Observing the
15:30) in the Clitoria plots for the seven days     green curtain development process in daily life
was 40.2%, while that of the control plots was      will foster (among people living an urban
25.2%. The difference (15.0%) was statistically     lifestyle) an awareness of the intrinsic value of
significant (t-test). A difference in humidity was  nature. The effects of Clitoria green curtains on
only observed during the day time, which            the microenvironment temperature are notice-
suggests that it is associated with the trans-      ably higher than the effects reported in other
piration from the leaves. Correlations between      studies conducted in temperate climate zones
air temperature and humidity during mid-day         (Fukuda et al., 2008; Kajita, 2009), suggesting
(10:30-15:30) in Clitoria and control plots were    that the implementation of the green curtain
negative and moderate (r = -0.74 and r = -0.72,     project in the GCC region could have a signi-
respectively) (Figure 5). A slight shift in the     ficant impact on saving energy consumption
correlation tendency was determined in Clitoria     (particularly HVAC-based). In addition, since
plots. Nonetheless, data are not sufficient to      Clitoria ternatea L. is a perennial species, after
determine if the higher humidity in Clitoria        the first establishment of green curtains, it will

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