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8 © Tucker 2016 | The “Green Curtain”

sustainably mitigate the heat of the desert for    4. Conclusions
several years (under standard domestic land-
scape management practices). The green             The study provided us with a prospect of the
curtain is a biological shutter. As such, it will  potential utilization of natural green curtains in
also provide a healing of the mind (the psycho-    the UAE. Clitoria green curtains developed
logical release from heat). By its natural green   uniformly and effectively. The effects of the
color, swaying leaves, and sunlight filtering      green curtains on the microenvironment were
through leaves, the green curtain project can be   significant in reducing air temperature and
introduced as an alternative energy saving         retaining higher humidity during mid-day. The
greening approach and as an innovative way of      project could be further adapted as an official
spreading awareness of sustainability among        project for education for sustainable develop-
children, young adults, and the general public.    ment (ESD). Although the Paris Agreement is
Any large grass-root movements always begin        set, the destiny of the Planet Earth is in our
with a small step, and the implementation of       hands. Fostering a sustainability mindset in
small projects such as the green curtain project   younger generations and developing a culture
can be the first step to achieve a sustainable     that makes it desirable to live a sustainable life-
society.                                           style will be the key to our success.

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