Page 23 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 23

International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(1): 10-17                                                13

Yield Measurements                                 were observed in the total yield per plant and
                                                   yield per month in which the best results were
Total Yield                                        obtained by whitewash and the lowest were
                                                   obtained by the GS1 treatment. These results
Yield results are summarized in Table 3. The       are supported by results obtained earlier (El-
highest significant total yield per plastic house  Gizawy et al., 1992; El-Nemr, 2006) which found
(2605 kg) was obtained by using the whitewash      that using shady conditions increased yield due
as shading material, while the lowest total yield  to higher photosynthesis associated with suit-
per plastic house (1275.2 kg) was obtained by      able radiation under shady conditions.
the GS1 shading method. Also, the same results

Table 2
Effect of shading methods on cucumber vegetative growth parameters*

Treatments  Av. No. of    Av. Plant fresh Av. Plant dry Av. plant           Av. Leaf area                         Av. Leaf
            leaves/plant  wt. (gm)  wt. (gm)              length (cm)       (cm2)                                 Length (mm)
                                                                                                                  173 a
GS1         26.0 a**      975.8 a   113.5 a               230.0 a           318 a                                 111 b
                                                                                                                  99.3 b
Whitewash   23.3 b        915.0 b   103.8 ab              204.7 b           276 b                                 55.7 c
Mud         22.3 ab       586.5 c   113.5 a               187.7 b           262 b

Control     15.0 c        565.6 c   89.5 b                148.7 c           197 c

LSD 0.05    2.03          39.11     18.7                  19.62             15.81

* Values are the mean of four replicates.
**: Means within each column having different letters are significantly different according to LSD at 5 % level.

Table 3
Effect of shading methods on cucumber yield measurements*

Treatments  Total yield   Total yield (kg)/plant   Yield (kg/month)/rep
            (kg)/rep                               May June
GS1         1275.2 c**    0.81 c                   16.9 d                   1218.3 b                              40 b
                                                                                                                  125 a
Whitewash   2605.0 a      1.88 a                   303.3 a                  2056.7 a                              95 a
                                                                                                                  31.7 b
Mud         1543.3 bc     1.26 b                   205 b                    1243.3 b                              32.8

Control     1731.7 b      0.95 bc                  180 c                    1520.0 b

LSD 0.05    333           0.23                     20.4 354

* Values are the mean of four replicates.
**: Means within each column having different letters are significantly different according to LSD at 5 % level.

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