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16 © Abu-Zahra and Ateyyat 2016 | Effect of Various Shading Methods

                                                                  Also, fruit number was increased by increasing
                                                                  relative humidity.

  Figure 2: Effect of shading methods on two-       4. Conclusions
     spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae
                                                    The results of the present study demonstrate
   Populations, on cucumber leaves planted in       that the types of the shading treatments used
 plastic houses. Means with the same letter are     has an effect on plastic cover permeability. After
  not significantly different using LSD at 0.955    washing the cover materials, permeability was
                                                    reduced by using GS1 or whitewash as shading
                            C.L.                    materials. The best results of vegetative growth
                                                    and fruit weight were obtained by the GS1
Results of Correlations                             treatment since it produced the highest vege-
                                                    tative growth and improved fruit freshness and
Results of correlations are summarized in Table     dry weight. The highest fruit yield was obtained
6 and 7. A positive significant correlation was     by the whitewash treatment. Using the GS1 or
observed between light intensity with fruit         control treatments was found to maintain fruit
freshness and dry weight, fruit length and most     quality. The control treatment delayed flow-
cucumber plant vegetative growth parameters.        ering, decreased the production period and
All of these parameters were improved by in-        increased the mite infection percentages. On the
creasing light intensity. On the other hand, a      other hand, a positive correlation between tem-
positive correlation was observed between           perature, fruit freshness and dry weight was
temperature and blooming date. Blooming date        observed. The results prove that there is a need
was accelerated by increases in temperature.        for shading plastic houses in Jordan Valley
                                                    during summer months.


                                                    Special thanks to the “Scientific Research Sup-
                                                    port Fund” for financing this study, farmer
                                                    Mohammad Al-Edwan for holding the work, and
                                                    special thanks to Agr. Eng. Wafaa Al-Ghnemat
                                                    for doing the field and lab work.

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