Page 83 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 83

International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(1): 71-75  73

samples, X-ray data is multiphase and contains      for Fe3O4 is optimal at pH 6.5. Efficiency of
magnetite (Fe3O4) – 70%, maghemite (γ- Fe2O3)       extraction of cobalt and strontium increases
– 25% and goethite (FeOOH) – 5%. The pres-          with increasing pH and reached maximum
ence of impurity phases goethite and maghe-         values at pH 9.
mite Fe3O4 samples associated with aging and is
characteristic of the powders obtained from              Figure 3: Photomicrograph of particles
aqueous solutions.                                   annealed at 450°C obtained from nitrate solu-
                                                      tion with added ammonium chloride at pH 7
It is established that from nitrate solutions
formed shapeless large agglomerates of 50 –
200 microns (Figure 1a-c), consisting of
spherical particles of Fe2O3 (specific surface Ssp
= 150 m2/g). Introduction of chloride ions
(Figures 2, 3) leads to the formation of solid
particles of cubic and oval size of about 0.12 –
0.20 microns (Ssp = 30 m2/g). Sodium ion has no
significant effect on the formation of particles
Fe2O3 (Figure 4).

Unlike Fe2O3, Fe3O4 is not observed in the
formation of large agglomerates and the
powder is composed of spherical with a size of
from 0.5 um to several microns. The specific
surface area of Fe3O4 was 130 m2/g.

                                                         Figure 4: Photomicrograph of particles
                                                     annealed at 450°C obtained from nitrate solu-
                                                    tion with added ammonium bicarbonate at pH 9

     Figure 2: Photomicrograph of particles         The highest efficiency of extraction occurs on
    annealed at 450°C obtained from chloride        the particles of Fe3O4 and 95% to 68% cobalt
                                                    and strontium. Furthermore, for strontium in
                    solution at pH 9                the pH range 4 – 7, depending on the observed
                                                    additional peak recoveries in the range of pH
Figure 5 shows the degree of extraction of          5,2 – 5,7, which is more pronounced on Fe2O3
metals from the pH of the particles Fe2O3           particles (Figure 5a).
(Figure 5 a) and Fe3O4 (Figure 5 b). As can be
seen from Figure 5, iron oxide particles effec-     Figure 6 shows the adsorption isotherms for the
tively recovered europium (97%), Ce (97%) and       studied metals. Isotherms are S-type for
copper (92%). However, in an acidic medium,         europium and copper and L-type cerium. This
using Fe2O3 particles as sorbents can achieve       type of isotherm shows heterogeneity on the
high degrees of recovery of these metals as         sorbent surface. The yield on the plateau is
compared with Fe3O4 particles. The maximum          characteristic of the formation of a monolayer.
extraction for Fe2O3 is observed at pH 5.5, and

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