Page 81 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 81
Efficient Extraction of Radioactive Isotopes of Cobalt,
Europium, Cerium, Strontium, and Copper From Aqueous
International Journal of Lavrynenko S.N.1*, Chebanov V.A.2, and Sofronov D.S.2
Environment and 1National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine
Sustainability [IJES] 2SSI ‘‘Institute for Single Crystals’’ of NAS of Ukraine
ISSN 1927-9566
Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 71-75 Abstract. One of the most effective and simple methods of natural and waste
(2016) waters from heavy metals and radionuclides is a sorption extraction. As
sorbents proposed the use of polymers, natural materials, and other oxides. The
*Correspondence: particles of iron oxide Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 are among the most promising materials for inorganic heavy metal ions and radionuclides from water bodies. Their
advantage over other compounds is the lack of toxic effects on the human body,
low cost, and ease of obtaining precursors.
Keywords. nanoparticles, iron oxides, magnetization, adsorption
1. Introduction The basic method for producing Fe3O4 – preci-
pitation from aqueous solutions of salts of iron
Nanoparticles are considered promising mater- Fe2+ and Fe3+ aqueous ammonia. The method is
ials for the purification of water bodies from simple and productive. However, in the case of
ions of heavy metals and radionuclides. Their precipitation from aqueous solutions of Fe3O4
advantage compared to other sorbents is the particles, change was observed in the magne-
possibility of removal by the applied magnetic tization of from 5 to 100 A·m2/kg. Thus, despite
field, which greatly simplifies the task isolation, the numerous publications on the synthesis of
separation and processing in cleaning techno- these particles and the study of their different
logy (Ambashta and Sillanpaa, 2010). Their characteristics, changes in the magnetization of
magnetic properties depend on many factors: the particles in such a wide range is not
the chemical composition, particle size and detected (Baranov, 2009). It is assumed that the
shape, structure, degree of deformation, etc. variation of the magnetization of the particles is
that allows varying the preparation conditions associated with the change of their morpho-
and optical properties of the particles (Moha- logical characteristics. Thus, in the study of
patra and Anand, 2010). Generally, as a magnetic particles obtained by oxidation of
magnetic material using Fe3O4, due to their ease FeCl2 solution at a temperature of 134°C and a
of synthesis, which is high in comparison with pressure of 2 atm. for 3 hours, it was found that
other iron oxides magnetic characteristics. their magnetization varied between 53.3–97.4
Moreover, they are characterized by good A·m2/kg, depending on the particle size (Song
sorption properties. In particular, the effective Ge et al., 2009). With decreasing particle size of
(over 95%) of recovered copper, nickel, cad- its magnetization is decreased. However, the
mium from solutions at a pH above 7, and Cr magnetic properties of the particles may have a
(VI) at pH 2–4 (Shen et al., 2009). The sorption significant impact phase composition, the
capacity of Fe3O4 particles with respect to the formation of which may depend on the synthe-
lead is 29 mg/g (Nassar, 2010) and SrO42- – 180 sis conditions.
mg/g at pH 2.5 (Yubiao et al., 2012) Modified
magnetic particles Fe2O3/NiO and Fe3O4/MnO2 When designing a sorption material, magnetic
size have sorptive capacity with respect to As particles must not only take into account its
(V) 117.6 mg/g (Shouwei Zhang, 2013) and 69 sorption and magnetic properties. Thus, the
mg/g (Shitong Yang, 2012), respectively.