Page 132 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 132

32 © Sherif, Shalaby, and Altan 2016 | Towards the Second Sustainable City

level to maintain the unity and integrity of the   may delay its sustainable development. Taking
UAE as a country. The leading emirate in the       the rest of the emirates into consideration,
field of the development plan is Dubai. In 1971,   especially RAK, they may not have the same
it undertook a huge, rapid development plan        potential and opportunities that Abu Dhabi has,
that changed the whole image of the city in a      which is why it should follow Abu Dhabi’s steps
matter of a few years. Under the wise leadership   in developing its own unique development plan.
of His Highness Shaikh Mohamed Bin Rashed Al       The last emirate to join the union seems to have
Maktoum, the Vice President and Prime              many opportunities in terms of sustainable
Minister of the UAE, ruler of Dubai, the emirate   development, although many challenges may
did not deny or ignore the sustainability aspect   arise along the development way.
while applying the emirate’s development plan.
Thus, as a new growing city, there were no         This study will analyze the Abu Dhabi model,
sustainable plans or approaches regarding how      highlighting the techniques and approaches that
to study the existing situation and recommend      can be applied and reflected on RAK. In the
strategies in the scope of a holistic sustainable  study, there will be full details of the current
package of the development process. As a           situation of RAK, emphasizing the major
natural result, the government approved some       challenges and the possible solutions towards
US and European approaches and programs,           the second sustainable city in the UAE and the
such as the LEED program to design and rank        Middle East.
buildings, communities, and developments.
                                                   The methodology used in this study is a
Abu Dhabi started this process later than Dubai.   comparative analysis between the status of both
Despite this, it closely mirrored Dubai’s steps    Abu Dhabi and RAK in all sustainability aspects,
for achieving this huge development in such a      including environmental, social, and economic.
short time. The leadership of Abu Dhabi has        The proposed analysis will highlight the
established the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning           strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
Council (UPC) back in 2005 to design, under-       threats for both cities and will test some of the
take, and monitor the development procedures       practices addressed in Abu Dhabi and how they
of the emirate. The UPC’s general mission is to    are relevant to application in RAK.
establish procedures, plans, and development
regulations that govern Abu Dhabi’s physical       3. Literature Review
environment. As a result of this mission, UPC
launched the Abu Dhabi Vision 2030 “Towards        The nature of this study as a comparative
the 1st Sustainable Capital in the Middle East”    analysis between two existing case studies
to control all development aspects in accor-       required huge amounts of data and information
dance with the Abu Dhabi economic Vision           gathering and analysis in order to address the
2030 that was launched earlier by the Abu          actual current situation of both Abu Dhabi and
Dhabi Council for Economic Development             RAK. It also required a detailed search to be
(ADCED) back in 2008.                              conducted on previous developments for RAK in
                                                   order to list all the previously proposed
2. Methodology                                     solutions and development plans to avoid any
                                                   duplication or repetition and to provide feasible
As mentioned before, the future of the UAE         relevant solutions to the current problems.
would be very bright if all the emirates followed
the steps of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Yet Abu          Analyzing the status of the emirate of Abu Dhabi
Dhabi seems to be a better model, as it            limited most of the data resources in govern-
undertook its own systems and plans and came       mental reports and studies. The UPC, which is
up with a unique design for the development        responsible for the development procedures in
process that emphasizes the strengths and          Abu Dhabi, has published the development
opportunities the city has, avoiding the           missions, objectives, procedures, rules, regu-
weaknesses, and overcoming the threats that        lations, and plans framework on its formal web-
                                                   site. These data were used to address the

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