Page 133 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
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International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(2): 30-44 33
sustainable development in the city. In terms of set nine main objectives that will shape the
RAK, there was very little information on its emirate’s future:
governmental portals, yet some non-govern-
mental entities took the responsibility of 1) A large empowered private sector
publishing a number of studies and reports
addressing the current situation of the emirate 2) A sustainable knowledge-based economy
and discussing its future developments. The
government of RAK later approved these 3) An optimal, transparent regulatory environ-
studies as governmental resources and pub- ment
lished them on its formal portals.
4) A continuation of strong and diverse inter-
national relationships
In addition to the sources mentioned above, 5) The optimization of the Emirate’s resources
research and studies completed by AlGhais
(2010), Al Naboodah (2013), Alshemeili(2014), 6) Premium education, healthcare, and infra-
Al-Zubaidi (2007), Bualhamam (2009), Goudie structure assets
et al. (2000), Pollock-Ellwand (2011), Shayah
and Qifeng (2014), and Walters et al. (2006) 7) Complete international and domestic secu-
have been reviewed in order to address the rity
sustainability package in general and how it was
applied in a certain place or city around the 8) Maintaining Abu Dhabi’s values, culture, and
world. Taking into consideration the unique heritage
nature of the UAE makes it very difficult to
apply a certain technique or approach within its 9) A significant and ongoing contribution to the
context unless it was carefully tested and wisely Federation of the UAE
studied. Moreover, several papers and doctoral
theses that investigated the same topic and the Under these nine objectives, four priorities that
unique environmental nature of the UAE were conclude the sustainable package aspects were
studied as useful sources of information. addressed:
i. Economic development
ii. Infrastructure development and environ-
mental sustainability
4. Research Framework iii. Social and human resources development
a. Abu Dhabi’s Status Brief iv. Optimization of government operations
The emirate of Abu Dhabi is the capital of the In order to complete this vision, the UPC chaired
UAE and the largest among of the rest of the by His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al
emirates in area and population. Located on Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and
around 67,340 km² and occupying almost 87% Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Council,
of the total federation area with a population of launched the Estidama program in 2008. Esti-
2,120,700 people, it controls most of the UAE’s dama, which means “sustainability” in Arabic, is
oil and natural gas sources, which makes it the not just a program or a building rating system,
strongest economy in the UAE. Despite the fact but it is a clear progressive vision for political
that all opportunities given to the emirate governments to develop a balanced society
abundance of natural gas and oil, the visionary based on the four pillars of Estidama: economic,
leadership of His Highness Shaikh Khalifa Bin social, environment, and cultural.
Zayed Al Nahyan, the President of the United
Arab Emirates and Ruler of Abu Dhabi, ordered Under each pillar of Estidama, there are prin-
the executive council to publish a policy agenda ciples to address the sustainability package in
to set the emirate’s objectives towards its the community of Abu Dhabi and to ensure the
sustainable development. In 2007, the executive harmony and integrity between these pillars. As
council launched this agenda in accordance with the last step to completing the sustainability
Abu Dhabi’s economic vision 2030. The policy package for the future development of Abu
Dhabi, the UPC published nine design manuals
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