Page 138 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 138

38 © Sherif, Shalaby, and Altan 2016 | Towards the Second Sustainable City

the integrity between those networks and            Abu Dhabi, may refuse any changes happening
systems is almost missing, which is a threat to     or changing their daily routines or lifestyles.
the city’s environmental systems.
                                                    Figure 9: An old photo showing the traditional
ii. Socially:                                                emirate lifestyle (RAKTDA, 2013)

The social pillar of the sustainability package in  iii. Economically:
RAK is clearly presented and is both a threat       Economics in a city are the engine to address
and an opportunity. RAK still holds the             any proposed plans or practices, and they are
traditional emeriti traditions and lifestyle.       directly influenced by all threats or weakness
Hundreds of years ago, the emeriti locals lived     that the city may suffer from. For example, the
in the deserts in tents around water springs.       environmental hazards addressed above will
Then development started to take place, and the     require large investments to overcome and limit
people moved into more settled houses that          their impacts. Moreover, the social problems,
used building techniques called the passive         including public awareness and a sense of
designs of today. The locals depended on            responsibility, will consume recognized sums of
livestock, fishing, and primitive agricultural      money if they are to be changed. The economic
techniques for their daily needs. It is also noted  obstacles are covered at the end of this analysis
that a big number of the emeriti people living in   because they will cover all the threats presented
Dubai and Abu Dhabi are originally from RAK         in RAK.
then moved for better work or educational           Lack of Natural Resources
opportunities.                                      The lack of water and energy resources are a
                                                    huge economic threat. The water demands in
Lack of Social Awareness                            the city require big investments, as desalination
                                                    stations cost a lot to construct, operate, and
Global awareness of the need for sustainability     maintain. Also, extracting the ground water,
is growing over time. Although the government       transferring it, and then treating it costs
of the UAE does its best to increase this aware-    millions of Dirhams. Taking into account the
ness among UAE residents, some societies still      rapid population growth, the costs required for
do not have the required will to pay attention to   these procedures gets higher each year. In most
the environment we are living in. Social            cases, the water supply charges fall on the
awareness in RAK is very weak. People rarely        government’s shoulders, and although there are
think of sustainability, what it is, and why the    consumption charges that are paid by residents
government is taking the matter so seriously.       in the city, they do not reflect the real costs of
Many even think that it is the role of govern-      supplying fresh domestic water. The situation
ments to take care of these matters and that
there is nothing they can do to help or that the
responsibility is not theirs.

Public Acceptance of Development Practices

Public acceptance is very important to the
success of any development plan. Governments
may set perfect sustainable plans and strategies,
but when it comes to implementing these
strategies, residents may reject the changes,
regulations, or rules to be applied to their
normal daily routines. A successful strategy
should be trusted and publicly accepted by the
people living in the place. RAK, as addressed
before, still has the traditional lifestyle of the
old emeriti. Emiratis who are still in RAK who
chose to remain settled in the city and did not
move to more developed cities, like Dubai and

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