Page 140 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 140

40 © Sherif, Shalaby, and Altan 2016 | Towards the Second Sustainable City

solution for the water scarcity problem around      quantities of wastewater. Simple treatment
the world. Others had some doubts about the         processes can be implemented onsite, and small
efficiency of the treatment process since it is     tanks and pumps can redirect this treated water
very costly due to the costs of collecting          to be used again in the same facility for
wastewater, construction and operation of           landscape irrigation and toilet flushing. Other
treatment plants, water networks from               pre-treated wastewater is collected for a final
collection patches and to final consumers, and      treatment process, which is handled by the
finally, the most important factor, the energy      government, to generate water for landscape
required to operate those treatment facilities.     irrigation, golf courses, and public toilet flushing
Some groups of researchers were completely          in the whole emirate. These practices have
against the use of treated water, as it may have    resulted in huge savings in daily water
very serious health implications on the people      consumption. This strategy is still very new, and
who use of it.                                      hopefully more savings will be achieved in time.
                                                    This practice was very successful in achieving
Among all the scientific discussions, the           many benefits, including fresh water savings in
Estidama vision addressed a very feasible           consumption rates, reducing the charges of
solution that can be applied in RAK. The plan       water networks, reducing the construction costs
was to encourage the use of treated wastewater      of huge treatment plants, and reducing the
in industrial, landscape irrigation, and toilet     yearly utility bills for investors. If RAK can
flushing in commercial and industrial buildings.    adopt such practices, there will be great savings,
It will not be used for any residential or          as it depends mainly on industrial activities as a
agricultural uses to avoid any health risks.        source of income. The industrial sector
Regarding efficiency of the process, the strategy   consumes huge amounts of the emirates’ share
was to set a new regulation that investors in       of fresh water, which can be saved or at least
new developed industrial areas should have          reduced by substituting it with onsite treated
their own treatment plant inside their plots. The   wastewater. Another strategy that is applied
case is not general; it specified that if an        now in Abu Dhabi, which was delivered also
industry’s daily fresh water consumption            with the PRS system, is controlling water
exceeds a certain level, then this facility should  fixtures’ and appliances’ flow rates. The UPC
have its own treatment plant to treat the water     publishes a list of the allowable flow rates to be
before discharging it into the wastewater           used in any new project that is being
network. This will ensure that the wastewater is    constructed in Abu Dhabi. This practice helps to
of a certain quality before it reaches the main     achieve water savings in water consumption on
governmental treatment stations. Certain indus-     a smaller individual scale, which will be
trial activities are required to have their own     welcomed by the public because these savings
treatment networks, such as food and pharma-        will be reflected on their monthly utility bills.
ceutical industries, which consume huge
amounts of fresh water and produce high

                Figure 10: The approved water fixture flow rates by the UPC (UPC, 2010)
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