Page 141 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 141
International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(2): 30-44 41
Regarding the lack of energy sources, fossil fuels practices. Referring to the PRS system, it did not
can also be substituted by natural renewable deny such an important aspect. The natural
resources like solar and wind power. The system protection strategy should address the
emirate is very rich with both sources. different ecosystems that exist in the emirate
Generating power from solar panels is a very including marine, desert, fertile land, and
old technique that can be carried out on both an mountains. The main part of this strategy is the
individual and governmental scale, yet it has not government's responsibility. Any master plan
been generalized. On the governmental side, that addresses sustainable development should
one can see small solar panels attached to the be supported by a natural system analysis study
public light poles, traffic signals and signage, to locate the different ecosystems in the
and commercials signs in both Dubai and Abu emirate. The environmental analysis study
Dhabi. Again, this is an easy practice that can be should clearly state which activity is best suited
generalized in RAK. On a personal scale, the for each ecosystem and what the exact practice
emirate market is very rich with simple VP is that should be implemented to protect that
panels and solar systems that can be added to ecosystem in a certain location. The Estidama
the small residents’ villas to provide domestic vision developed a comprehensive land use
use of energy. In addition, solar lights are master plan covered by Abu Dhabi's territory
widely used, and they need no wiring, and proposed a certain location of the different
connection or source of power. All they need is natural ecosystems in compliance with the
a sunny atmosphere, as they charge their proposed land use required to address the
batteries all day long and use this power to sustainable image of the city. Thus, individual
provide lighting in the evening time. Other practices should also take place along with the
practices should address the issue of energy governmental plans. It is possible to find some
saving not only find other sources for precious plants and species apart from the
generation it. The UAE is well known for hot defined ones that should be protected in other
weather all year long. Like every other emirate areas. This is why some protection of simple
in the UAE, RAK consumes most of its generated practices are imperative for individuals.
energy for cooling systems. Those systems
cannot be substituted by any other cooling A Comprehensive Integrated Infrastructure
techniques, yet they can be designed to be
energy efficient. Lowering the cooling electrical The responsibility for this falls on the
loads requires good architectural design, government's shoulder. An integrated infra-
limited glazing areas, selection of materials with structure is very complicated to design and
a certain UV, providing good insulation, and construct. Abu Dhabi designed the basic
assuring the airtightness in the building. All infrastructure in phases. Phase one was
these factors can be listed under the passive updating the existing network to cope with the
design techniques that lower the heat gain in a population growth and to comply with the
building and are highly recommended by the Estidama vision. Phase two was expanding
PRS. The system also addresses certain roads and utility networks to reach and serve
approved materials with certain U-values to be new developed areas. The final phase is
used. Moreover, conditioning equipment was constructing new networks for the new cities
also accurately specified, including types, that will be constructed according to master
cooling capacity, power consumption and plan Abu Dhabi vision 2030. In order to achieve
technical specifications. The PRS approved two this integration in RAK, a full master plan
ways of calculating the electrical cooling should be designed first, and the design of the
demands in a building: the perspective method infrastructure networks should come next in
and the energy modelling method. order to address the design proposed in the
master plan. RAK can adopt such a practice only
Natural Systems Enhancement & Protection if a general master plan is designed for the
emirate's future planning.
The loss in the biodiversity in RAK is very slow,
meaning that it can be controlled with simple
Science Target Inc.