Page 127 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 127

International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(2): 18-29  27

In the Helsinki and Otaniemi sites, data from the  projects. The following can be concluded from
energy companies’ smart meter systems are          the reviewed five projects, respectively:
collected, additional energy meters with appli-
ance recognition features are installed, thou-     - Research alliance coordination between
sands of indoor environment sensors are               leading European research institutes focused
deployed, and public databases are utilized. The      on accelerating the development of new
data sources provide a basis for data analysis        energy technologies towards a low-carbon
and development of a platform for new services.       Europe by maximising synergy between pan-
The results are collected on an energy moni-          European energy research expertise and
toring platform for city personnel in Helsinki        infrastructures is crucial.
and a public platform to visualize Otaniemi
campus’ development towards a zero energy          - Self-sufficiency of building’s energy can be
campus. Related to this, the public view to           characterised by matching analysis of on-site
Global Energy Operating Centre in Korea Micro-        renewable energy generation with energy
Energy Grid (K-MEG) consortium project can be         demands. The development of an energy
accessed from             management system can manage the energy
eoc.                                                  flow inside buildings and react with different
                                                      smart grids based on modelling and both
Controlling and monitoring business in build-         real and forecast data with emulated
ings is dominated by large companies, and their       performance of buildings.
solutions are often difficult to connect to other
systems. For local property owners such as         - The development of a district Energy-hub
municipalities, it would be more beneficial to        system for multi-resource input, conversion,
use open communication, which also allows             storage, and distribution of energy can be
small and medium-sized local players to offer         used in the maximization of renewable
new services and create local business. VTT has       energy utilization. The target can be multi-
started wide-scale operations in the Asian            commodity matching aimed at maximizing
region, especially the Chinese market, to find        matching of heat and electricity supply with
new business cases for Finnish SME companies          demand, including the implementation of
and VTT products.                                     control strategies on thermal storage
                                                      techniques. Business and service concepts
Conclusions                                           for Energy Hub systems can be developed
                                                      targeting end-users and energy service
VTT’s programme for smart cities, which is part       providers that are running practical actions
of the Ingrid+ programme (Intelligent Energy          on a district level.
Networks and Smart Cities Programme), devel-
ops smart city concepts for intelligent buildings  - In order to find the optimal design and
and urban spaces. It works on zero-energy             operation of the energy systems in smart
buildings and community achievements, distri-         cities, a holistic approach should be followed
buted energy systems integration, ICT for             that should include the integration of the
energy monitoring and management for build-           dynamics of the local energy grids, building’s
ings and districts, energy/ICT business con-          energy demands, local energy production,
cepts, and building maintenance. Many of the          energy storage options, and people’s behav-
projects are done in close co-operation with the      iours. To do this, it is essential to create
Pro-IoT programme and the TransSmart Smart-           comprehensive simulation tools, with dif-
Mobility programme combing joint expertise            ferent levels of sophistication, combined
and competencies in different fields.                 with efficient optimization algorithms.

This paper focuses on the central role of energy   - The smart classification of data available
in buildings in achieving a sustainable smart         from the operation of new and retrofitted
city. It reviews some aspects of five presented       buildings (commercial, office, residential,
                                                      etc.) can be used in visualization and moni-
                                                      toring for the purpose of better operation of

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