Page 125 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 125
International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(2): 18-29 25
Figure 4: Examples of business concepts for Energy-Hub districts (Sepponen, 2015)
Figure 5: Basic components of the CITYOPT project. (
Objectives iours, energy storage alternatives, and local
energy production from renewable sources.
The project will create different types of tools
that will support the optimization of the energy - Design tools that target optimising the
systems on a district level. Tools include: energy efficiency measures of building cons-
truction and envelopes and the integration
- Planning tools that support simulating, opti- with different grids. These will also include
mizing, analysing, and communicating city research on how energy-efficient buildings
planning alternatives. A holistic approach (new or retrofitted) will interact with each
integrates the energy dynamics of local grids other by sharing surplus heating/cooling/
and buildings, people’s consumption behave- electrical energy through local networks.
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