Page 122 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 122
22 © Hasan and Airaksinen 2016 | The Role of Energy
on-line decisions about how to manage the ted data from the emulator, validating the
energy flow inside buildings and react with general applicability of the analytical ap-
different grids based on simulation models, proach, and developing a methodology for
optimization algorithms, and real-energy repetition for other cases.
generations and forecast data of energy price
and primary energy/emissions factors. The project has been able to present the results
of its starting studies through journal publica-
- Building, testing, and operating an emulator tions (Cao and Sirén (2014); Alahäivälä et al.,
facility (Figure 1), which comprises real (2015); Cao and Alanne (2015); Cao and Sirén
energy generation components, a simulated (2015a); Cao and Sirén (2015b)).
building in the computer, and emulated
house energy systems performance and The project’s duration is 1.9.2014– 31.8.2018.
interactions. Project’s Partners: VTT and Aalto University.
The project is co-funded by the Academy of
- Analysing the emulator results by finding the Finland.
characteristics of energy demands and on-
site renewable energy in the emulator
facility, analysing the monitored and simula-
Figure 1: The concept of the emulator facility
Science Target Inc.