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                   The Role of Energy in Buildings in Smart Cities

International Journal of  Ala Hasan* and Miimu Airaksinen
Environment and           VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., Tekniikantie 4A, Espoo, P.O. Box
Sustainability [IJES]     1000, FI-02044 VTT, Finland
ISSN 1927-9566
Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 18-29   Abstract. VTT, The Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (www.vtt
(2016)           is a multidisciplinary application-oriented research organization.
                          VTT carries out research and innovations that support the development of smart
*Correspondence:          cities in many different ways. The focus of this paper is to explore the role of          energy in buildings in the smart city. Because 40% of the primary energy
                          consumption is due to the use and operation of buildings, buildings offer the
                          greatest potential for the reduction of energy consumption and associated

                          This paper presents some aspects of selected cases from recent research
                          projects carried out by VTT on different national, EU, and International levels,
                          including customer projects. These projects fall under the general topic of smart
                          city concepts of intelligent buildings/urban spaces and distributed energy
                          systems. This paper indicates the importance of energy efficiency, renewable
                          energy technologies, and energy management of buildings/districts, including
                          ICT utilization and business initiatives, in achieving a sustainable smart city.

                          Keywords. smart city, energy in buildings/districts, ICT, business concepts

Introduction                                       Urbanization is a growing trend all around the
                                                   world, and more smart solutions are required to
VTT, The Technical Research Centre of Finland      provide services to the people. However, this
Ltd., is a multidisciplinary application-oriented  should be done in an efficient way with mini-
research organization. VTT carries out research    mum impact on the environment. At the same
and produces innovations that support the          time, societal development should be promoted,
development of smart cities in many different      and people’s well-being should be maintained.
ways. VTT works from the early stages of a         It is a global challenge to reduce environmental
concept and ecosystem development to the           impacts, especially those due to the use of
practical implementations of the results. Our      energy. At the same time, business should be
research and innovation activities cover all the   globally competitive. The need to invest and
core technology areas relevant to the concept of   improve energy efficiency, modernize the infra-
a smart city and its development. Our key          structure, and create high-quality living
related technologies and application domains       environments is huge. During this trans-
are: ICT, energy, transport, and the built         formation phase, cities should make their
environment. VTT has three interactive re-         development in a sustainable and smart way.
search programmes that focus on the smart city
area: Ingrid+ (Intelligent Energy Grids and        Smart cities can be seen as systems with flows
Smart Cities) (VTT Ingrid programme, 2015),        of energy, materials, services, people, and fi-
TransSmart (Smart Mobility Integrated with         nancing. Technology is seen as an enabler of
Low Carbon Energy) (VTT TransSmart pro-            good life through the identification, integration,
gramme, 2015), and pro-IoT (Productivity Leap      and optimization of different energy, transport,
with Internet of Things) (VTT IoT programme,       and data flows. City planning and city manage-
2015).                                             ment are essential for creating sustainable
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