Page 120 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 120
20 © Hasan and Airaksinen 2016 | The Role of Energy
regarding different energy infrastructures and Sub-Programme 3: Energy-efficient Interac-
their performance and enable decision makers tive Buildings
to assess the economic and social impact of
suggested energy policies and regulations. Research in this sub-programme will mainly
Special focus is put on communications with the focus on distinctive fields such as design
European Commission, the Member States concepts for resource-efficient buildings, novel
Initiative on Smart Cities, and other stake- envelope materials, and technologies that
holders such as city authorities, the scientific provide an optimal interface between the
community, and industry in order to keep the building and its environment as well as the
research strategy aligned with the real-life integration of renewable energy systems.
needs of cities and the economy. Emphasis will also be placed on innovative
building and energy management, the energy
This Joint Programme is comprised of 23 full interface between buildings and urban infra-
participants and 29 associated participants structure (building-to-grid), smart interaction
(including 4 industry partners) from 16 with the user, as well as support strategies to
countries. VTT is a member of EERA and a achieve a multiplier effect within the broader
partner in this Joint Programme. stakeholder community.
The project consists of four sub-programmes Sub-Programme 4: Urban City-Related Sup-
and one taskforce. Table 1 indicates the work- ply Technologies
packages (WPs) in each sub-programme.
This sub-programme aims to develop a metho-
Sub-Programme 1: Energy in Cities dology capable of dealing with complex inte-
gration of thermal and electrical energy techno-
This sub-programme follows a unique inte- logies and enabling the design and evaluation of
grated approach to merging urban and energy renewable technologies integrated at a district
planning. The scientific tools to be developed or city level. This will require the development
will support cities throughout the transition of an appropriate modelling and simulation
process towards a low-carbon energy system – framework that includes component models
from systems analysis, vision development, and and libraries and an integrated, flexible, and
pathway exploration to experimenting, assess- adaptive multi-level decision support frame-
ment, and implementation. work.
Sub-Programme 2: Urban Energy Networks Taskforce on Simulation Platform Develop-
The large-scale integration of distributed and
renewable energy sources into existing energy The Taskforce on Simulation Platform Develop-
grids brings up additional challenges in the ment spans all four sub-programmes. Its key
development of smart urban energy networks. task is to evaluate what is state-of-the-art in the
This sub-programme aims to optimise these modelling and simulation of urban energy
interconnected networks by intelligent plan- systems, to identify gaps in simulation capa-
ning, design, and operation, integrating all bilities based on user requirements, and to
accessible sources of renewable energy and provide an overview of the data available and
providing flexible balancing potential. This will required for simulation tools. It is anticipated
be achieved by developing models for optimal that the Taskforce will coordinate development
management of low-impact smart energy dis- of a new, integrated, comprehensive urban
tricts and solutions for smart integration of energy simulation platform to support decision
electrical and thermal energy production, making at a range of spatial/temporal scales
storage, and consumption at an urban level. and future time horizons.
Science Target Inc.