Page 123 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
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International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(2): 18-29 23
Figure 2: eHub simulation platform. (Koene, 2015)
3. Energy-Hub for Residential and tion and energy management systems (Figure
Commercial Districts and Transport 2). Smart control algorithms implemented in
Project (eHUB) the simulation environment will control smart
house appliances, indoor temperatures, district
The challenge in the future for energy energy production, and energy storage. The
management systems is to be able to efficiently management system is aimed at matching the
control low/neutral/positive energy districts supply and demand of heat and electricity using
and increase the share of renewable energy by a multi-commodity matcher (MCM) developed
utilizing smart energy management systems during the project. The project has developed
together with energy storage. An Energy Hub is storage solutions for improving the matching of
a physical cross-point in which energy and supply and demand of thermal energy. The
information streams are coordinated and where thermo-active foundations, thermo-chemical
different forms of energy (heat, electricity, materials, and control strategies associated with
chemical, biological) are converted between these applications have been studied.
each other or stored for later use. The objective
of the eHub project is to develop a district User’s Involvement
system for multi-resource input, conversion,
storage, and distribution of energy for The role of consumers is changing from passive
maximum utilization of the renewable energy users of energy to active participators in energy
potential. Energy hub systems will optimise the management. Consumers will be actively in-
use of renewable energy and facilitate the volved in energy management, including load
exchange of information at district level (Koene, shifting and real time pricing, and will also be
2015). producers of renewable energy. The consumer
acceptance is a key success factor for the dif-
Simulation as a Tool for Matching of Energy fusion of the new energy management solu-
Supply and Demand tions. For this reason, it is important that new
technological solutions are developed from the
The project developed the eHub simulation tool end-user perspective. The user study was
for overall analysis of energy concepts, includ- performed to discover occupant’s attitudes
ing models for energy consumption and produc-
Science Target Inc.