Page 119 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 119

International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(2): 18-29  19

smart environments. Smart management is a            intelligent grids. However, while targeting the
key to maintaining people’s well-being under         reduction of energy consumption in buildings,
the pressure of resource efficiency and environ-     the satisfaction of occupants and preserving a
mental impact reductions. Advanced ICT can           high level of indoor comfort should not be
provide opportunities for synergies between          compromised.
different sectors comprised of citizens and
business-based services and solutions with a         The focus of this paper is exploring the role of
high level of cooperation with the city adminis-     energy in buildings in the smart city. This is
trations and agencies (Araksinen et al., 2015).      done through presenting some aspects of five
                                                     recent research projects carried out by VTT on
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a combination of     different national, EU, and international levels.
technologies and a collection of applications and    These projects fall under a general topic of
business opportunities. Different viewpoints         smart city concepts of intelligent buildings/
result in different ways of defining IoT. IoT can    urban spaces and are aimed at net/positive
be seen as a set of enabling technologies that       energy buildings and neighbourhoods, inte-
can be used by almost all areas of business and      grating renewable and distributed energy
society and can effectively improve produc-          technologies, and creating energy and ICT
tivity. The core enabling technologies are sens-     business concepts.
ing, processing, communication, refining, and
managing information. The availability of            1. EERA Joint Programme on Smart Cities
accurate, detailed, reliable, diverse, and real-
time data that can be communicated through           The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA)
IoT is at the core of the idea of the smart city.    is a joint effort of leading European research
IoT constitutes a basis for any automatic or         institutions focusing on accelerating the devel-
human decision-making process. Collecting this       opment of new energy technologies towards a
information, analysing it, and acting on it is part  low-carbon Europe. The focus is coordination of
of what IoT can do (VTT, 2013).                      national and European research activities and
                                                     bringing together resources in order to maxi-
On a global level, 40% of the primary energy         mise synergy between pan-European energy
consumption is due to the use and operation of       research expertise and infrastructures.
buildings. This means that buildings have the
potential to reduce the energy consumptions          One of EERA’s Joint Programmes is the Joint
and management of emissions. With time, the          Programme on Smart Cities http://www.eera-
specific heating/cooling energy demand in  , which aims at developing new scientific
buildings is reduced due to more energy              methods, concepts, and tools to support
efficient buildings. At the same time, city-level    European cities in their transformation into
electricity use is increasing due to an increased    smart cities. The key focus is enhanced energy
number of devices in buildings resulting from        efficiency and large-scale integration of
the population growth, higher income of              renewable energies, which are enabled through
citizens, and higher standards of life. The          smart energy management at the city level. This
increased share of renewable energy can              will be achieved by the extensive use of low-
effectively make an energy balance between           carbon technologies and smart energy manage-
buildings and the grids. The optimal use of local    ment based on innovative design and operation
and renewable energy sources is becoming             of the entire urban energy system – from
more important. Therefore, it is to work on          generation to distribution to consumption. A
finding the best methods for increasing the          strong interdisciplinary and multi-technology
energy self-sufficiency of buildings by maxi-        approach will be applied to capture interactions
mizing the energy matching between the on-site       between different layers of the urban energy
generated energy and the buildings’ demand.          systems: energy networks, buildings, energy
This includes using methods for energy               technologies, and consumers. The tools that will
conservation and energy conversion and stor-         be developed will provide a detailed insight
age and optimising the interaction with

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