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16 © Mortula, Ahmad, and Shah 2016 | Assessment of Mixing Potential
quality compost within the acceptable limits Acknowledgement
specified by the ministry. The authors would like to acknowledge the
contributions from Kimia Haji Amouassar for the
help as a research assistant, Ahmad Sharaby, Nada
The study was limited in its scope to identify the
suitable mixing proportions for producing suitable AlDarwish and Mohamed Michika for the
compost for use in the municipality of Sharjah.
Therefore, further experimental studies are contribution in the experiments and Gulf
required for estimation of different types of waste Ecosystems Research Center (GERC) and Beea’h
in the laboratory-based experiment to assess the
effectiveness of co-composting for the municipal- for funding the project (GER-14-10).
ity of Sharjah.
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