Page 167 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 167

International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(2): 61-71                                    67

Table 1

Descriptive Statistics

ISO26001/14001      N          Minimum                         Maximum      Mean              Std. Deviation
EnviDisclosure      246        0                               1            .65               .478
RnD                 246        0                               1            .21               .406
SalesGrowth         246        .00                             76826000.00  1143049.6190      6502732.95490
MarketReaction      246        -88.68                          13581.87     90.2616           894.78545
Valid N (listwise)  246        20.00                           201000.00    13089.9309        32466.37331

Table 2
Correlation Test Result

Panel 1: Hypothesis 1 Testing           Correlation                         Reg2004  Reg2007  Reg2012
Environmental Disclosure                Sig.                                .152***  .197***  .192***
                                                                            .008     .001     .001
Panel 2: Hypothesis 2 Testing           Correlation
R & D Cost                              Sig.                                Reg2004  Reg2007  Reg2012
                                                                            .047     .093*    .025
                                                                            .238     .079     .353

***. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed).
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.1 level (1-tailed).

For the first, second, and third hypotheses (H1,               from food and beverage companies in Indonesia
H2 and H3), the testing is done by using a corre-              are increasing significantly and improving after
lation test. The testing of H1 and H2 is used to               regulations were issued. It seems that since the
show the presence of a relationship between                    Indonesian government ratified the Kyoto Proto-
each company when government policy related                    col in 2004, companies in Indonesia are more
to social and environmental responsibility is im-              transparent when it comes to informing the com-
plemented. Meanwhile, the testing of the third                 munity about their environmental conservation
hypothesis is meant for HED, which is hard envi-               activity.
ronmental disclosure, a disclosure on the quality
of the environment on carbon emissions and/or                  The correlation test result shows that in all years
the success of the company in obtaining interna-               when regulations related to the environment
tional certification related to corporate social re-           were issued, increased environmental account-
sponsibility (ISO26001 and ISO14001)                           ancy disclosure followed. When the regulation
                                                               was issued in 2004, correlation test results
Testing the First Hypothesis                                   showed the presence of relationships of as much
                                                               as 15.2% between the policy and external envi-
Testing of the first hypothesis is done separately             ronmental accountancy disclosure. The signifi-
in three periods (2004, 2007, and 2012), which                 cance we found is 0.008 with an observation
are the years of the issuance of UU RI No.17 Year              sample of as many as 246 companies in 11 years.
2004, UU No 40 Year 2007, and Government Reg-                  Meanwhile, after the regulation was issued in
ulation No.47/2012 (complementary of UU No                     2007 and 2012, the area of environmental ac-
40 Year 2007), respectively. The three periods                 countancy disclosure was wider with the
are predicted to affect the level of corporate obe-            strength of relationship as high as 19.7% and
dience related to the environment.                             19.2%, and the level of significance of each rela-
                                                               tionship is the same, which is 0.001. The result of
From the testing result presented in Panel 1                   this finding becomes the reason to accept the
Table 2, environmental information disclosures

                                                                            Science Target Inc.
   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169   170   171   172