Page 169 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 169
International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(2): 61-71 69
company that is evaluated has conducted social cation of a company’s R&D. This research sum-
responsibility. For environmental disclosure re- marizes that the legal device requiring compa-
lated to carbon emissions by a company, the nies to reduce carbon emissions is crucial in de-
market does not show the relationship predicted termining the success of Indonesia in reducing
in the hypothesis of this research. carbon emissions. However, this effort has to be
followed by monitoring and evaluating continu-
This finding indicates that the market reacts to ously to ensure that the company keeps running
information given to independent parties on the in accordance with the direction given by the
environmental issue. It also seems to confirm the state.
research done by Ningsih et al. (2014) that
shows the presence of lag between the quality of Fund allocation of R&D is not a stand-alone item.
environmental disclosure (uses index issued by It is proven from the result testing done in this
International Federation of Accountant – IFAC) research that R & D relates positively with the
and cost allocation issued by the company in area of environmental disclosure and interna-
conducting corporate social and environmental tional party recognition. Because environmental
conservation activities. The finding of Ningsih et problems are a great issue that always creates
al. shows that the investigation that only focuses new issues that are very relevant to technology
on the disclosure of a management party without development, this research is very important.
considering other elements related to corporate Even the smallest contribution given by the re-
responsibility related to the environment, such searcher related to the means of human and
as cost allocation of environment and R&D re- company in controlling negative effects on the
lated to the environment, will give misleading environment should be welcomed.
The limitation that we faced during this research
5. Summary, Implications, Limitations, is the limitation faced by many researchers in In-
and Suggestions donesia, which is the limitation of data and avail-
able information. Because there are some varia-
Summary bles needed in this research, the unavailability of
complete data affects the elimination of the com-
This research shows that legal device has a pany from the sample list. It eventually causes
strong relationship on corporate obedience in limited data that can be processed by this re-
implementing mandates contained in the regula- search. Moreover, the evaluation on environ-
tion. For three years of issuance and implemen- mental disclosure is very subjective, so the re-
tation of the regulation related to corporate so- search result may contain bias. However, by us-
cial and environmental responsibility, this re- ing professional justification, it is expected that
search found the presence of obedience shown the bias occurring in this research can be re-
by the company towards the policy. duced.
However, this cannot be evaluated as reason to The next research that can be done is in the form
assume that the company has done its best for of comparisons with other countries. Conducting
the environment on the issuance and implemen- comparisons with countries that have succeeded
tation of the policy. This research also continues in controlling environmental effects by using
the investigation on the fund allocation of R & D regulatory devices will allow Indonesia to reflect
issued by the company as the means to minimize on how to create policies that will benefit all par-
carbon emissions. The results obtained show ties. Policies should favor the community. The
that only after the issuance of UU No.17 year control of environmental effects then becomes
2007 about Incorporated Company / Perseroan one of the country’s main focuses for prospering
Terbatas (PT) was there an increase in fund allo- its citizens.
Science Target Inc.