Page 170 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
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70 © Lindrianasari, and Yuztitya 2016 | Investigative Studies on Environmental Disclosure
Börzel, Tanja A. and Thomas Risse. (2010), diundu 25 May 2013
“Governance without a state: Can it work?”,
Regulation & Governance Vol. 4; 113–134
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Bharvirkar, and Anthony Paul. (2001), The May 2013
Effect of Allowance Allocation on the Cost
of Carbon Emission Trading. Discussion pa- Kennedy, Amanda L. (2010), “Using Commu-
per of Resources for the Future nity-Based Social Marketing Techniques to
Enhance Environmental Regulation”, Sus-
Cook, A. (2009), “Emission rights: From cost- tainability 2; 1138-1160
less activity to market operations”, Account-
ing, Organizations and Society 34; 3–4 Lindrianasari, (2004), Pemeriksaan kepatuhan
terhadap pengelolaan lingkungan hidup pada
Deegan, C. (2002), Introduction: The legitimis- perusahaan-perusahaan di Provinsi Lam-
ing effect of social and environmental dis- pung”, Proceeding DepDikNas
closures – a theoretical foundation”, Ac-
counting, Auditing & Accountability Jour- Lindrianasari, (2007), “Hubungan antara
nal, Vol. 15 No. 3; 282 - 311 kinerja lingkungan dan kualitas pengungka-
pan lingkungan dengan kinerja ekonomi pe-
Fisher-Vanden K. and Wing, Ian Sue. (2007), rusahaan di Indonesia”, Jurnal Akuntansi
Accounting for Quality: Issues with Model- dan Auditing Indonesia Vol. 11, No.2; 159-
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and Carbon Emissions in Developing Econ-
omies. Paper serie Marland, Gregg, Kristy Fruit, and Roger Sedjo.
(2001), Accounting for sequestered carbon:
Haufler, Virginia. 2001. A Public Role for the the question of permanence. Environmental
Private Sector. Washington: Carnegie En- Science & Policy
dowment for International Peace.
Neumayer, Eric. (2000), “In Defence of Histor-
Hopwood, Anthony G. (2009), “Accounting ical Accountability for Greenhouse Gas
and the environment”, Accounting, Organi- Emissions”, Ecological Economics, 33 (2);
zations and Society Vol.34; 433–439 185-192 O’Dwyer, B. (2003), “Managerial perception of
rbon-sink/ diundu: 23 May 2013 corporate social disclosure: An Irish story”,
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. Vol.15, No.3; 406-436
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Potoski, Matthew and Aseem Prakash. (2005), “Green Clubs and Voluntary Governance:
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Science Target Inc.