Page 52 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 52

42 © Idiata 2016 | Understanding the Role of Green Infrastructure

                                                 conditions that would normally inhibit it will
                                                 ultimately lead to the removal of more CO2 from
                                                 the atmosphere and a slowing of the rate of rise
                                                 of the air's CO2 content. CO2 intake by plants
                                                 varies directly with temperature. The rate is
                                                 higher in the mornings and peaks then declines
                                                 possibly to zero (CO2 science, 2015).

Figure 12: Front of the Senate House University  Conclusion
                         of Surrey
                                                 The United Nations Framework on Climate
   Figure 13: Artificial lake and fountain near  Change (UNFCC) suggested two ways of com-
         Senate House University of Surrey       bating climate change, namely mitigation and
                                                 adaptation. It is my opinion that adaptation will
Therefore, anything that either enhances         take more money and time to achieve and that
photosynthesis or enables it to proceed under    we have the best option to engage the problem
                                                 headlong by increasing the plant and vegetation
                                                 cover and designing and redesigning our eco-
                                                 systems to increase the area as seen in the
                                                 photos presented here. Financially it is more
                                                 economical, it enhances aesthetics and recre-
                                                 ation, and it improves health.

                                                 Green infrastructure can include gardens, green
                                                 walls and roofs, trees, shrubs and hedges
                                                 throughout parks, allotments, ponds, wood-
                                                 lands, fields, lakes, canals, and rivers. Together
                                                 they provide “an interconnected network of
                                                 green space that conserves natural ecosystem
                                                 values and functions and provides associated
                                                 benefits to human populations” (Benedict and
                                                 McMahon, 2001).

References                                          Sprawlwatch Clearinghouse Mono-graph
Ahmad, Z (2006), Principles of Corrosion
   Engineering and Corrosion control. Butter-    Benedict, M.A. and McMahon, E.T (2002), Green
   worth-Heinemann/IChemE Series, Great             Infrastructure: Smart Conservation for the
   Britian                                          21st Century. The Conservation Fund

American Rivers (2014), What is Green Infra-     Broomfield, J.P (2007), Corrosion of Steel in
   structure? Available at: www.america             concrete: Understanding, investigation and Accessed: 19 September 2015.          repair, 2nd Edition, Taylor and Francis
                                                    Group, London-New York
BBC (2014), GCSE Bitesize: Science.
   co.ok                                         Carboschools (2009), Uptake of Carbon Dioxide
                                                    from Water by Plants.
Benedict, M.A and McMahon, E.T (2001), page 5
   Green Infrastructure: Smart Conservation for
   the 21st Century. The Conservation Fund.

Science Target Inc.
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