Page 47 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
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International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(1): 35-45  37

increased levels of greenhouse gases have
caused the Earth to warm (IPCC, 2007; Santer,
1996; Hegerl, 1996; Ramaswamy, 2006 and
Santer, 2003). Most climate scientists agree that
the main cause of the current global warming
trend is human expansion of the greenhouse
effect (IPCC, 2007; USGCRP, 2009 and Oreskes,
2004). Certain gases released into the atmos-
phere prevent heat from escaping into space,
creating warming.

                                                  Figure 3: Corroded Bridge strut (source, Tata &
                                                                       Howard, 2013)

  Figure 1: Atmospheric corrosion of Sagene
Folkebad public baths in Oslo, May 2007 (left)
and after maintenance, September 2008 (right)

               (source, Pugsley, 2012)

                                                  Figure 4: Monture Bridge abutment failure due
                                                                 to scour (source, USDA)

  Figure 2: Deterioration of concrete (source,    Sustainability Concept
                                                  The issue of environment and climate change
The durability of infrastructure is determined    brings us to the issue of sustainability.
largely by its deterioration over time, which is  Understanding this will help us to appreciate
affected by the environment. Climate change       the need for green infrastructure.
may alter this environment, causing an accel-
eration of deterioration processes that will      The report of the Brundtland Commission in
affect the safety and serviceability of infra-    1987 greatly promoted the idea of “sustainable
structure all over the world (Wang, Stewart and   development” or “sustainability,” issues that
Nguyen, 2012 & Stewart, Peng and Wang,            have become increasingly prominent across the
2012).                                            globe, applied and discussed at a trans-national,
                                                  international, national, regional and community
                                                  levels (Centre for History and Economics,

                                                  According to EPA (2015), sustainability is based
                                                  on a simple principle: everything that we need
                                                  for our survival and well-being depends, either

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