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32 © Batta 2016 | SMEs and Sustainable Tourism
To compete effectively, destinations have to coalition of these different interests to work
deliver wonderful experiences and excellent towards a common goal to ensure the viability
value to visitors. The business of tourism is and integrity of their destination now and for
complex and fragmented, and from the time the future (WTO, 2008). The Tourism
that visitors arrive in the destination until they Development Council has to assume that role
leave, the quality of their experience is affected and become a CBTI. The Council should not only
by many services and experiences, including a lead on marketing, but it must also be a
range of public and private services, community strategic leader in destination development.
interactions, environment, and hospitality. This role requires it to drive and coordinate
Delivering excellent value will depend on many destination management activities within the
organizations working together in unity. Sus- framework of a coherent strategy.
tainable destination management calls for a
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