Page 38 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 38

28 © Batta 2016 | SMEs and Sustainable Tourism

                                    Development Model for
                                          Manali Area

Service Centric                        Supportive                 Sustainable

Institutional Support  Infrastructure                  Retention              Renewable energy

                       Information                         Reinforce Culture

Coordination                        Community centric             Concern for safety

                       Figure 4: PPP Model of Sustainable Development

Service-centric Development                                ing hotels. Besides, norms on design and
                                                           material of buildings need to be prescribed in
Manali is a tourist destination with a concen-             conformity with the local architecture to save
tration of SMEs catering to the needs of the               its façade from further damage from concrete
tourists. Therefore, the tourism development               structures (earlier studies by Singh, 1989 and
strategy has to focus on measures to enrich the            Redecon, 2005 have observed that the
quality of service at the destination, which in            construction activity in Manali has turned it into
turn could result in higher occupancy levels and           a concrete jungle).
increased off- season business. This could be
done by enriching the product by adding new                One of the major reasons for the short stay of
activities that could be undertaken by the local           tourists in the area is the lack of recreational
community. The approach has to focus on                    facilities to engage tourists for a longer time
strengthening the institutional base for holistic          (Redecon, 2005; HSV, 2006). Even though
planning, upgrading infrastructure, enhancing              Manali has enough potential to develop low
the skill level of the locals, and disseminating           impact outdoor activities, like trekking and
information.                                               Himalayan cycling, and local culture-based
                                                           entertainment facilities, more needs to be done
The Council needs to consider a wide range of              to harness this potential. One very strong
infrastructure options to overcome the current             probability is setting up a cultural theatre at the
problems. For example, a ban on construction               site of the present bus stand. The Council could
on both banks of the river Beas has to be                  develop a cultural theatre/shopping complex on
considered to protect it from further damage.              a Build Own Operate and Transfer (BOOT)
Within the town, areas need to be designated               basis. It could emerge as a place for showcasing
for residential and commercial use and the                 the local culture and handloom and handicraft
maximum flore-area ratio must be properly                  products. Skiing, trekking, and rafting are other
prescribed and strictly enforced to restrict               activities with great potential in the area that
multi-storied structures. Having dedicated                 need to be promoted.
built-in parking may need to be made compul-
sory for all commercial establishments, includ-

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