Page 41 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 41

International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(1): 18-34  31

                     Figure 5: Vicious Cycle of Growth

Table 6                                                   poor local retention of benefits, information
                                                          asymmetries, and low social returns.
The Impact Scenario
                                                          Environmental concerns due to tourism
Economic    High leakages; Low local investment; No       development are really serious, and a concerted
Ecological  investment on the community assets; Seasonal  effort has to be made to make the enterprises
            demand                                        follow best environmental practices. One of the
Social      No environmental management plan; Potential   leading obstacles to transforming environ-
Political   for tapping revenue for environmental         mental awareness into business practice is the
            conservation                                  assumed cost of environmental protection. It is
            Low community participation; Problems of      argued (Erdogan and Baris, 2007) that tourism
            crowding and congestion; No safety plans      enterprises are only interested in adopting
            No sustainable tourism master plan; Poor law  energy saving and solid waste management
            compliance                                    practices if it is cost saving for them. However,
                                                          with increasing environmental consciousness
These financially stressed enterprises are also           among tourists (Erdogan and Baris, 2007), it is
not in a position to spend money on capital               becoming a business necessity as is seen in the
formation and environmental management. On                case of adventure travel operators operating in
the other hand, the root causes of the ecological,        Manali. Before taking any initiative, particular
social, and political problems are lack of                attention has to be paid to the need for a
planning, inadequate infrastructure, and                  coordinating agency. Fortunately, the Manali
inability of tourism planners and industry to             Development Council, which is getting substan-
elicit community participation. Problems of lack          tial support from the green tax, could assume
of planning and infrastructure arise due to               this role and, with the help of the stakeholders,
coordination failures with the tourism                    become a community benefit tourism initiative.
department promoting tourism in the area.                 Becoming a CBTI is a useful option in
Other government agencies fail to match their             developing countries in view of the low enter-
outputs to the increased requirements caused              prise economies in the remote mountain
due to ever- growing SMEs and the floating                localities.
population in the area. This lack of a holistic
approach to planning is also responsible for

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