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36 © Idiata 2016 | Understanding the Role of Green Infrastructure

also both animate things, including animals and    problems facing civil engineers today as they
plants, and inanimate things as well. Two          maintain an ageing infrastructure (Broomfield,
phenomena are the main drivers for green           2007). Richardson (2002), said that at the turn
infrastructure: sustainability and climate         of the millennium, the risk of concrete failing to
change. This paper focuses on understanding        perform satisfactory over its service life lies in
the concept of GI and the need for it, which also  the degree of exposure to the prevailing condi-
depends on understanding the concepts of           tion (environment).
sustainability, climate change, and their inter-
action with the environment.                       Corrosion is the deterioration of a substance or
                                                   its properties as a result of an undesirable
The Environment                                    reaction with the environment (Bell, G.C.E and
                                                   NACE International). The environment impacts:
Environmental changes caused by humans are
creating regional combinations of environ-         - Human health
mental conditions that, within the next 50 to
100 years, may fall outside the envelope within    - Animals and plants
which many of the terrestrial plants of a region
have evolved. The earth is undergoing rapid        - Infrastructures
environmental changes because of human
actions (Tilman and Lehman, 2001; Pimm et al.,     - Soil
1995; Vitousek et al., 1997; Matson et al., 1997
& Tilman, 1999).                                   - Water

What is environment?                               The drivers of environmental impacts are:

The physical environment includes land, air,       - Population
water, plants, and animals; buildings and other
infrastructure; and all of the natural resources   - Waste generation and disposal
that provide our basic needs and opportunities
for social and economic development. A clean,      - Energy production and usage
healthy environment is important for people's
physical and emotional wellbeing. At a funda-      - Deforestation, degradation, and spillage
mental level, factors such as clean air and good
quality drinking water are vital for people's      - Built infrastructure
physical health. Other environmental factors,
such as noise pollution, can cause both physical   - Industrialization
harm and psychological stress (MSD, 2003).
                                                   - Modernization
Infrastructure degrades and corrodes when
exposed to the environment in which it is          Of all those listed above, the primary driver is
located. This process can be physical or chemi-    population, and the others are basically sec-
cal in nature. The environment over time may       ondary.
become increasingly polluted both by natural
and man-made factors. Therefore, it is impor-      Climate Change Concept
tant for engineers to understand the relation-
ship between the material and the environment      The issue of corrosion is critical to infra-
to incorporate control measures in the design      structure. Understanding climate change and its
(Ahmad, 2006). Worldwide, more concrete is         impact is important. It is said that all environ-
used than any other man made material, with        ments are corrosive to some degree (Ahmad,
approximately 12 billion tonnes used annually.     2006). Climate change is a large scale, long term
The corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete     shift in the planet's weather patterns or average
and the corrosion of mass concrete are major       temperatures (Met Office, 2015).

                                                   According to NASA, the Earth's climate has
                                                   changed throughout history. The current
                                                   warming trend is of particular significance
                                                   because most of it is human-induced and is
                                                   proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in
                                                   the past 1,300 years. There is no question that

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