Page 35 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 35

International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(1): 18-34                        25

4.2 Ecological                                      observe that “nearly every Indian (99.5%
                                                    population) lives in an area with PM2.5 pollution
The landscape of Manali has been seriously          above WHO’s 10 μg/m3 guideline” (Greenstone
affected due to construction of hotels and other, 2015: 42). Manali town also falls within
commercial buildings in the area. The               the category of 40-60 μg/m3. Owing to the large
disturbance in the soil strata due to heavy         scale influx of vehicles carrying tourists from
construction activities has been so devastating     other states almost throughout the year, the air
that Manali witnessed one of the worst land-        quality is substantially compromised. HPPCB
slides in recent history. Development activities    (2014) attributes this increase in the values of
have not even spared the river bed. There are       PM2.5 to the increased vehicular pollution. The
about 19 hotels constructed on the bed of river     loss of quality of life due to increases in air
Beas. Contamination of the landscape with solid     pollution is estimated to be an average 3.2 years
waste and untreated discharge by the hotel          (Greenstone et al., 2015). The level of the air
units is another problem facing the local           pollution has led to protracted litigation against
community. There are at least 6 sites where         the state to check vehicular traffic and not to
waste is disposed of in the open, causing an        allow old and polluting vehicles. Recently, the
environmental hazard and visual pollution.          National Green Tribunal has directed the state
                                                    to ply only CNG buses along the Manali –
In addition to the damage caused to the physical    Rohtang area and has restrained the entry of
environment, there are serious concerns in          other vehicles. Similarly, the water pollution
terms of air and water pollution caused by          caused due to poor sanitary practices like open
vehicular movement and poor sanitation              defecation, unscientific disposal of sewage
practices. The major concern in terms of air        water into the open drain, and littering has led
pollution is unsafe levels of PM2.5. HPPCB          to frequent outbreaks of jaundice and diarrhea.
(2014) notes that increases in the values of
PM2.5 is a matter of concern. There is no           The environmental concerns of the SMEs have
exclusive study on air pollution in the state.      been studied in two parts: environmental
However, Greenstone et al., (2015) estimates        management practices followed and willingness
for India (including Himachal Pradesh) find that    to adopt environmental management programs
660 million people in India (54.5% population)      in day-to-day operations. The performance of
live in regions that do not meet the 40 μg/m3       the SMEs on the above two counts is given in
National Ambient Air Quality Standard               the tables below.
(NAAQS), and 262 million people live in regions
with levels twice this standard. They further

Table 4

Environmental Management Practices among SMEs (percentage of establishments)

Environmental practices followed     Hotels  small  medium  Travel          Transport  Adventure
Having its own environmental policy          0      2       Agencies        Operators  Travel
Dedicated staff for environmental    bud.    0      10      0               0          0
management                           0                      0               0          26
Recycling waste                      0       00             0               0          0
Having captive incinerator                   00             0               0          0
Installed energy saving devices      0       0 21           0               0          0
Water harvesting structures          0       13 48          0               0          2
Purchasing recycled material         0       0 21           0               0          0
Solar energy devices installed       0       16 23          0               0          0

                                                            Science Target Inc.
   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40