Page 32 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 32

22 © Batta 2016 | SMEs and Sustainable Tourism

Table 1:                                                    Indicators
Indicator Framework Used for the Study
Major Areas Headline Indicators                             - Percentage of leakage from the economy
Economic Income & Employment generation                     - Intersectoral linkages
                                                            - Employment Growth in tourism
            Capital formation                               - Percentage of locals employed
                                                            - Percentage of foreign ownership
Ecological  Nature of demand                                - Profits reinvested in community
            Loss of renewable resources                     - Availability of local credit to businesses
            Assessment of environmental impacts of tourism  - Seasonality of demand
                                                            - Repeat visitors
Social      Resource recycling                              - Amount of erosion on the natural sites
            Host community and stakeholders participation   - Number of contaminated sites
                                                            - Continuous of EIA
Political   Community Health and safety                     - Natural environmental accounting and life cycle

            Local oriented control policy                     analysis
            Political participation                         - Renewable resources used
            Local planning policy                           - Host community participation in tourism
                                                            - Attitude towards tourism development
                                                            - Stress in visitor-host relationship
                                                            - Litter/pollution
                                                            - Overcrowding
                                                            - Congestion
                                                            - Legal Compliance
                                                            - Local environmental NGO
                                                            - Public-private partnership
                                                            - Availability of local water pollution and waste

                                                              management policy
                                                            - Tourism related master plan
                                                            - Availability and level of land zoning policy
                                                            - Existence of sustainable tourism plan

Data on the above indicators was collected from             medium (40 or more). Using a random sampling
the secondary sources: findings of earlier                  method, 15-20 percent of samples from each
studies; government publications; and data                  category were randomly selected. A sample size
maintained by the tourism, Municipal Commit-                of 5 travel agencies and 6 shops was taken
tee, and other offices located in Manali. Primary           randomly out of the list maintained by the local
data on certain economic and environmental                  tourism office.
parameters was collected from a select group of
hotels, travel agents, and shop keepers. In all, 89         The survey instrument used for the study dealt
interviews were conducted on accommodation                  with several issues, including regular employ-
owners, shop keepers, travel agents, associa-               ment, managerial employment and establish-
tions of various travel segments, and the local             ment ownership, origin of staff, occupancy
administration. In the hotel segment, of the total          levels, average repeat visitors, staff turnover,
506 establishments, 72 were covered. The                    and sourcing of purchases. The section on
sample selection was done by placing all                    environmental practices contained questions on
establishments into three size categories:                  disposal of waste, reuse/recycle policy, treat-
budget (1-14 rooms), small (15-39 rooms), and               ment of waste water, and contribution of the
                                                            unit to the local environment. Presidents of the

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