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                   Stabilization/Solidification (S/S) Technique and Its
                   Applications in Saudi Arabia

                          Mohammed S. Ba-Naimoon1, and Abdulrahman M. Hamid2*

                          1Department of Civil Engineering, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
                          2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, King Fahd University of
                          Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran-31261, Saudi

International Journal of  Abstract. The protection of the environment from hazardous pollutants asso-
Environment and           ciated with the soils contaminated with oil is a major concern in today’s
Sustainability [IJES]     industrialized world, especially the developing nations. Therefore, there is a
ISSN 1927-9566            need to cure the contaminated soils to reduce the potential release of crude oil
Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 46-50   into the environment. The Stabilization/Solidifications (S/S) treatment process
(2016)                    consists of the addition of cementitious binders to contaminated soils to form a
                          slurry or liquid waste so that the contaminants from the soil can be prevented
                          from affecting the environment. In this review, detailed discussion is presented
                          on the stabilizers that were conventionally used for S/S treatment and tests for
                          evaluating effectiveness of S/S treatment. In addition, advantages of the S/S
                          technology is reported. Lastly, the background of soil contamination by oil spill
                          in Saudi Arabia is addressed in this manuscript.

                        Keywords. Stabilization/Solidifications, Environment, hazardous pollutants,
                        cementitious, soil, Saudi Arabia


1. Introduction                                     of mixing the contaminated material with
                                                    suitable stabilizers. Lime, cement, and other
Stabilization/Solidification (S/S) can be defined   cementitious industrial waste materials are
as a clean-up technology that involves mixing       commonly used for S/S treatment. Stabilization
soil with contaminated sludge and additives         refers to those techniques that reduce the
such as Portland cement, lime/fly ash, and          hazard potential by changing the soil conta-
cement/fly ash in order to immobilize the           minants so that they become less harmful or
contaminants within the soil from being re-         less mobile (U. S. Army Corps of Engineers,
leased into the environment, causing ground-        1995). Solidification refers to techniques that
water pollution (Paria and Yuet ,2006).             encapsulate the waste in a monolithic solid of
                                                    high structural integrity. Furthermore, solidi-
There are three technologies for in situ treat-     fication changes the physical properties of a
ment: (1) Physical/chemical treatment techno-       contaminated substance such as compressive
logies, (2) Biological treatment technologies,      strength, permeability, and encapsulation of
and (3) Thermal treatment technologies. There       hazardous constituents (U. S. Army Corps of
are several soil waste remediation techniques       Engineers, 1995).
being used, but stabilization/solidification (S/S)
seems to be more effective because it binds the     This paper presents a brief overview of the
compounds of hazardous waste streams into a         stabilization/solidification (S/S) technique and
stable insoluble form (stabilization) or entraps    its advantages and applications. It also explores
the waste within a solid cementitious matrix        the potential use of (S/S) in Saudi Arabia to
(solidification) (Wiles, 1987) .                    explore the possibility of treatment of spoils.

In the 1950's, S/S technology was originally
developed but has been used recently as treat-
ment. Moreover, S/S treatment mainly consists
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