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50 © Ba-Naimoon, and Hamid 2016 | Stabilization/Solidification
Figure 5: Suitability of UCS of S/S-treated HOC, MOC and LOC soils for road construction
(Ba-Naimoon, 2013)
4. Conclusion considered an established treatment technology
according to EPA standards, and it has selected
The S/S technique does not remove the the technology at 25% of the Superfund pro-
contaminants from the soil. It only immobilizes gram remediation sites. It was found that
the contaminant from having access to the treating the contaminated soil by using 7%
environment, and it has been effectively used cement and the combination of 30% CKD plus
for treating and reclaiming oil-contaminated 5% cement and 15% LSP plus 7% cement to be
soils. In this research, S/S technology was used used as a sub-base course in rigid and flexible
in the coastal area of Jubail in the Eastern Pro- pavements. As result, using the S/S treatment
vince of Saudi Arabia to treat three conta- method showed improvement in satisfying
minated soils containing different oil spill levels strength and environmental criteria within EPA
(heavy, medium, and low). S/S technology is standards limits.
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