Page 147 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 147

International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(2): 45-53  47

Table 1                                              input and output according to localities and in
                                                     comparison with Aveiro, Portugal. The follow-
Sources of secondary information                     ing sections discuss the respective material
                                                     flows in Table 2 and Table 3 with supporting
Material     Unit        Source & Year               explanation.
Electricity  ktoe        Energy Commission (2011)
Water        million     National Water Services     3.1 Energy Input
             litres/day  Commission (2011)
Rice, eggs   tonnes      Food and Agriculture        Energy inputs are expressed in kilogram of oil
and sugars               Organization of the United  equivalent. The highest electricity input was in
             billion kg  Nations (FAOSTAT) (2014)    Kuala Lumpur for the year 2010 with 298 685
Carbon       litres/day  Ahmad (2004)                koe/day. The second highest input of electricity
dioxide      kg/cap/day                              is Selayang with 101 972.89 koe/day, followed
Wastewater               Kling (2007)                by Ampang Jaya with 88 164.67 koe/day. The
Solid Waste              Sakawi (2011)               total electricity consumption was 488 822.56
                                                     koe/day and agrees with the number of
3. Results and Discussion                            population in the three cities.

From the data collection and analysis, an            The consumption of electricity depends on the
overview of the material flow resources and          development and population in the cities. Kuala
output was established (Figure 3). The overall       Lumpur is one of the most urbanised states in
material balance reveals that the system is in a     Malaysia, hence, massive economic activities as
near steady state where the total input almost       well as other residential and commercial
equals total output. This section presents the       activities are undertaken to meet the demands
results and discussion of the material flows in      of the country and its inhabitants. Although
the three cities with a total population of 2.6      Selayang is less developed compared to Ampang
million people. Table 2 presents the outline for     Jaya, the high electrical consumption was
the average individual consumption for all the       mostly because of individual use in the popu-
input and output for the three localities. Table 3   lation.
demonstrates the total consumption of each

Note: 1 tonne is equal to 1,000 kg, 1 liter is equal to 1 kg, 1 ktoe is equal to 1,000,000 koe and 1 koe is equal to 1 kg.
      Figure 3: Schematic outline of Material Flow Analysis for Greater Kuala Lumpur

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