Page 149 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 149

International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(2): 45-53  49

The higher consumption of water in Klang           In the city of Aveiro, the total production in a
Valley (part of Greater Kuala Lumpur master-       day is 233 205.3 kg/day. The individual
plan) may be due to the weather and commer-        production of CO2 in Aveiro is 3.18 kg/cap/day
cial activities. In Aveiro, there are winter       as reported by Lemos (2011), which is higher
months, while in Malaysia the weather is hot       than individual production in Klang Valley,
and humid. Water consumption from drinking         which is only 0.455 kg/cap/day. The higher
and cleaning are more frequent to accommo-         production in Aveiro was due to higher con-
date to the sanitary requirements along with       sumption of electricity and other anthropogenic
physiological needs and comfort. Restrooms         activities that cause the emission of CO2. This
and toilets in Malaysia are mostly equipped        could be due to the weather patterns and
with faucets and bidets to meet the religious      commercial activities conducted there.
and cultural needs of the population who clean
themselves with water after relieving them-        Emission of gases due to the natural and
selves (Gilli, 2004; Jurattanasan & Jaroenwisan,   anthropogenic activities will lead to greenhouse
2014).                                             effects and cause the global temperature to
                                                   increase. In Kuala Lumpur, about 100,000 large-
3.3 Food Input                                     cover trees will be planted as one of the
                                                   measures by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall to
As for the food inputs rice, eggs and sugar,       make it into a more sustainable city by 2020.
Kuala Lumpur has the highest total input, which    This measure can directly help to reduce the
was 603 725 kg/day due to the large popu-          amount of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere,
lation. Selayang had the second highest input at   which may also decrease the amount of CO2 in
206 115.42 kg/day followed by Ampang Jaya          the area of GKL/KV (Holmes & Pincetl, 2012;
with 178 205.18 kg/day.                            Economic Transformation Programme, 2013).

The total consumption of rice, eggs and sugar in   3.5 Wastewater Outputs
Aveiro was only 38 134.2 kg/day. The indi-
vidual consumption was at 0.52 kg/cap/day in       For wastewater outputs, the total (585 027 000
Aveiro according to Lemos (2011), and when         m3/day) in a day for Kuala Lumpur, Ampang
compared to the Klang Valley area, it was 0.38     Jaya and Selayang are 357 468 750m3/day
kg/cap/day. The consumption of rice in Aveiro      (61.1%), 105 516 225 m3/day (18%) and 122
is higher than in the Klang Valley since rice is   042 025 m3/day ((20.9%). Kuala Lumpur
one of the staple foods for the Portuguese,        produced the highest amount of wastewater in
which is similar to Malaysia. The sugar input for  a day due to the high number in population
Aveiro is 0.01 kg higher, and as for the eggs      compared to the other two cities.
input, the population in Malaysia tends to eat
more.                                              In Aveiro, the total production of wastewater is
                                                   6 995 425.65 m3/day. As reported by Lemos
3.4 Gas (CO2) Output                               2011, the individual production of wastewater
                                                   in Aveiro is 95.39 kg/cap/day, and it is 225
The total emission of CO2 was 1,183 054.61         kg/cap/day for the individual production in
kg/day. It was 722 881.25 kg/day (61.1%), 213      Klang Valley. The high production of waste-
377.26 kg/day (18%) and 246 796.10 kg/day          water in Klang Valley is due to high consump-
(20.9%) for Kuala Lumpur, Ampang Jaya and          tion of water.
Selayang, respectively. The high difference be-
tween Kuala Lumpur, Ampang Jaya and                Nowadays, the technology in treating the waste-
Selayang could be due to a lack of carbon sinks,   water has developed. The technologies are
which are the green trees, and due to diverse      more efficient and reliable in treating the waste-
activities taking place in the city, such as       water. Hence, it is hoped that with advanced
respiration, transportation, building construc-    technology, it can ensure the sustainability of
tion, electrical consumption and commercial        environment during the treatment works. In
activities (Moore et al., 2013).                   order to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas
                                                   emissions, technical advancements of the high-

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