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P. 154

                   Effect of New Ellipse Design on the Performance

                   Enhancement of PV/T Collector: CDF Approach

International Journal of  Ali Najah Al-Shamani1,2*, Sohif Mat1, M. H. Ruslan1, Azher M. Abed1,
Environment and           and K. Sopian1
Sustainability [IJES]     1Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600
ISSN 1927-9566            Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 54-60   2Al-Musaib Technical College, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, 51009
(2016)                    Babylon, Iraq

                          Abstract. Photovoltaic and thermal collectors are combined via a photo-
                          voltaic/thermal (PV/T) collector system to increase collector efficiency. The
                          efficiency of photovoltaic collectors is known to decrease when ambient
                          temperature increases and vice versa. PV/T collector systems function by
                          absorbing the heat gained from the sun via photovoltaic panels and by converting
                          this heat into electrical energy. Simulations CFD have been investigated to
                          explore the impact of different mass flow rates against photovoltaic and thermal
                          efficiencies of PVT collector using FVM. New ellipse design of collectors have been
                          modeled and investigated to generate hot water and electricity. In this simulation,
                          the absorber collectors were assumed to be attached underneath the photovoltaic
                          (PV) module, and water is used as a heat transfer medium in absorber collectors.
                          The results shown that new ellipse absorber collector generates a combined PV/T
                          efficiency of 74.3% with electrical efficiency of 13.78%. The efficiency of the PV/T
                          system should be improved further by developed the surfaces between the
                          absorber and solar panel (PV module). However, different types of PV cells, such
                          as amorphous silicon cells with black mat surface properties, should be used to
                          improve the thermal absorption of PV/T systems.

                          Highlights: (i) A three-dimension hybrid photovoltaic/thermal solar collector
                          module was performed in CFD software; (ii) The results agree with those
                          obtained through steady-state characterization; (iii) The simultaneous use of new
                          ellipse design of absorber, which absorbs much more thermal energy compared
                          to other normal designs, increase thermal and electrical efficiency significantly.

                        Keywords. Absorber Collector, CFD, Energy, Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T),
                        Thermal and Electrical Efficiency.


1. Introduction                                     and humid climates. Thus, the overall efficiency
                                                    of solar energy is improved. Fluid-based PV/T
A hybrid PV/thermal (PV/T) system is a system       collectors are more desirable and effective than
in which heat from the PV panel is removed by a     existing air systems. Temperature fluctuations in
working fluid and can simultaneously convert        the base fluid (water) of PV/T are significantly
solar energy into electrical and thermal energy.    less than those in the air-based PV/T collectors,
Compared with separate PV or thermal systems,       which are subjected to varying solar irradiance
the hybrid system has several advantages,           levels. Over the past decades, various PV/T
including high total energy conversion efficiency,  systems or collectors that use water as working
low cost, and small installation areas. Solar PV/T  fluid for heat removal have been numerically and
applications can provide heat and electricity. To   experimentally studied.
achieve high efficiency and significant amounts
of power and heat from PV/T systems, PV cells
should be cooled, particularly in areas with hot
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