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International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(1): 54-60  55

Problems such as low PV efficiency, architectural    on-sheet and tubes design, gives the best effi-
uniformity, and limited space on the roof for the    ciency overall.
installation of the separate system have become
important factors that influenced the idea of        Performance simulation of PV/T collectors with
combining the PV/T system into one complete          seven new design configurations of absorber
system. One of the major disadvantages of PV         collectors design has been studied by Ibrahim et
cell, besides the high cost, is the problem with     al. (2009) and conclude that the best design
low efficiency (Sok et al., 2010). Research in this  configuration is the spiral flow design with a
field was carried out in the mid-1970s to early      thermal efficiency of 50.12% and cell efficiency
1980s. The earliest study on the PV/T water          of 11.98%.
collector was performed by Florschuetz (1979)
who extended the Hottel and Whillier (1955) to       PV/T collectors have been recently utilized in
analyze the combination of PV/T flat plate           different industries, and such collector moti-
collector. As mentioned by Zondag et al. (2002),     vated researchers in different fields of study
combining the PV/T collector will provide            perform experimental and numerical methods
solutions to problems such as PV efficiency          (Al-Shamani et al., 2015; Al-Shamani et al., 2014;
increasing due to the cooling effect, provide        Bergene and Løvvik, 1995; Chow, 2003; Coven-
more architectural uniformity by aesthetic           try, 2005; Cox and Raghuraman, 1985; Huang et
design, and finally, minimize the usage of space     al., 2011; Kadhim et al., 2013; Mbewe et al., 1985;
on the roof. These will reduce the payback           Skoplaki and Palyvos, 2009; Takashima et al.,
period.                                              1994; Tripanagnostopoulos, 2007).

2. Previous Research                                 3. Methodology

Wolf (1976) first investigated flat plate PV/T       3.1 Governing Equations
fluid systems and dissected the effect of the mix
of heating and PV power systems for homes. He        The governing equations (continuity, momen-
concluded that the system is feasible and cost       tum, and energy) must be set to complete CFD
effective. The Hottel–Whillier model is utilized to  analysis of the PV/T collector. The phenomenon
use the mix of PV and thermal flat plate collectors  under consideration was governed by the steady
with the conventional hot water system and PV        3D computational domain of the continuity,
panel to minimize establishment usage.(Hottel        time-averaged incompressible Navier–Stokes
and Whillier, 1958).                                 equations, and energy equation. In the Cartesian
                                                     tensor system, these equations could be written
Zondag et al. (2001) and Jong (2001) have con-       as (Eiamsa-ard and Promvonge, 2008).
ducted a series of comparisons between dif-
ferent types of PV/T design and different types      3.2 Energy Analysis of PV/T Collector
of thermal systems. Their experiments generally
investigated the covered and uncovered PV/T          PV efficiency decreases when the temperature of
and thermal systems. Their studies indicated         the cells increases. The efficiency of the photo-
that an uncovered PV/T shows improved effi-          voltaic cells depends on temperature (Duffie and
ciency with the use of PV/T for low-temperature      Beckman, 1991). Further, the performance of
ground storage integrated with a heat pump.          PV/T collectors can be depicted by the combina-
                                                     tion of efficiency expression. It is comprised of
Zondag (2008) reviewed various concepts of           the thermal efficiency th and the PV efficiency
combined PV-thermal collector technologies by        el, which usually includes the ratio of the useful
introducing and evaluating nine different de-        thermal gain and electrical gain of the system to
signs, ranging from the complicated to the           the incident of solar irradiance on the collector’s
simple, in order to investigate the maximum          gap within a specific time or period. As shown in
yield. They concluded that the design of the         Equation1, the total efficiency of  overall is used
channel below the transparent PV, with its PV-       to evaluate the overall performance of the
                                                     system (Duffie and Beckman, 1991).

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