Page 150 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 150
50 © Shafie, Omar, Karuppannan, and Ismail 2016 | Urban-Scale Material Flow Analysis
class treatment should be accompanied by tech- lowed by expanding the waste treatment
nological substitution. As for the output of capacity. The design for urban planning and
wastewater treatment, when dewatered sludge waste management should be integrated to
is incinerated rather than landfilled, both the motivate positive attitudes towards sustain-
CO2-equivalent emissions and landfill volume ability (Shafie et al, 2013). Besides, the
decreases (Lin, 2009). management of solid waste and public cleaning
services will be upgraded and new techno-
3.6 Solid Wastes Outputs logical improvements such as automatic waste
collection and its potential will be evaluated.
Total solid wastes output for the area of Kuala
Lumpur, Ampang Jaya and Selayang in a day are These measures will lead to a more sustainable
7, 149 375 kg/day, 2, 110 324.5 kg/day and 2, urban solid waste management system of
440 840.5 kg/day, respectively. The high differ- Greater Kuala Lumpur, which includes the area
ence between the city of Kuala Lumpur com- of Ampang Jaya and Selayang, and most impor-
pared to Ampang Jaya and Selayang is due to tantly, Kuala Lumpur, since it occupies about
the diverse human activities. The economic and 5.14 % of Malaysia’s population compared to
commercial activities in the area contribute to Ampang Jaya and Selayang, which is only 1.66
the high production of solid wastes, and the % and 1.92 % respectively, thus contributing to
high generation in Kuala Lumpur is due to the more solid wastes.
urban development (Chandrappa & Das, 2012).
4. Conclusion
When compared with the total production of
solid wastes in a day in Aveiro, which is 113 Sustainability is a state of total balance in the
669.25 kg/day, it is significantly lower than the intake of energy and other consumptions while
three cities. Individual production in Aveiro is emitting waste in a balanced manner. The
1.55 kg/cap/day. The high production of wastes electricity consumption of 0.19 koe/cap/day in
in Klang Valley may be due to a lack of aware- Klang Valley contributes to CO2 of 0.46 kg/cap/
ness on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3R) measures. day; 95.32 % of water consumption will be the
Enforcing the segregation of household waste at share of wastewater production in the area of
the source has been implemented by the Solid Klang Valley, and the consumption of 0.38 kg/
Waste Management and Public Cleansing Cor- cap/day of rice, eggs and sugar in Klang Valley
poration since September 2015 (SWCorp will contribute to the production of 4.5 kg/cap/
Malaysia, 2016), and the outcome is yet to be day of solid wastes (Figure 4).
assessed. The corporation was established to
complement and ensure the successful imple- The difference between the total inputs and
mentation of the National Solid Waste Manage- outputs of each areas being studied were due to
ment Policy. Municipal solid waste generation the difference in the population. The difference
in Malaysia has increased significantly in recent of the total inputs and outputs in Klang Valley is
years, ranging between 0.5 - 2.5 kg/cap/day (or 6.67 kg/cap/day and this is because some of the
a total of 25000 - 30000 tons per day) (Johari balancing items, such as other types of foods, 2014; Badgie et al., 2012; Fauziah & and products that contribute to waste gener-
Agamuthu, 2012). ations are not taken into account due to some
limitations. Between the three cities, Kuala
According to the official website of the Eco- Lumpur has the highest total consumption of
nomic Transformation Programme (2013), one inputs and production of outputs due to high
of the transformation plans is to come out with density population.
an orderly and well-planned solid waste man-
agement system. The first measure is to inspire
the implementation of the 3R programme, fol-
Science Target Inc.