Page 197 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 197

International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(2): 89-98  97

Figure 10: Legal structure; Source: PROSOLAR SENER

D. Interconnection Agreement for Renewable           It is shown in more graphic form below how the
Energy of Collective Source or Collective Sys-       regulatory and policy framework for PV in Mex-
tem Small Scale Cogeneration Contract (to be         ico is composed (Figure 10), which consists of
published by the CRE)                                the following legal structure.

This type of contract applies to everything re-      In addition to public institutions (CRE and CFE)
lated to small scale generation described in the     there are private institutions for issuing stand-
previous paragraph. With the characteristic that     ards in the electricity sector such as the National
the collective source of electricity generation be-  Association for Standardization and Certification
longs to a group of generators, besides, the en-     of the electricity sector that have issued Mexican
ergy generated by the collective source. It is di-   Standards.
vided, for billing purposes, between the owners
depending on the percentage of investment            9. Conclusions
made by each of the owners.
                                                     In the present work, it has been observed how
Since PV systems can reduce or stop suddenly         the renewable energy market has been growing
generating electricity, such as on partially cloudy  considering the potential as an emerging market.
days, it is also necessary to establish a series of  Mexico is considered one of the most attractive
technical rules to avoid discomfort or harm to       countries to invest in in this sector and is consid-
other users. For this, the CRE and CFE have de-      ered the fifth country in terms of countries with
veloped a specific regulatory framework for in-      the highest potential for development. Also it is
terconnection technologies based on renewable        seen that the HHI for 2009 is .60, which tells that
sources such as photovoltaic systems:                it is a monopolistic competition with a tendency
                                                     to be an oligopoly. The profitability of the sector
1) Specification for low voltage interconnection     is abundant, generating profits of more than dou-
   of photovoltaic systems with capacity up to       ble the investment for businesses.
   30 kW (CFE G0100-04).
                                                     This being the case, it can also determine that the
2) Annexes to the Interconnection Agreement in       investment for consumers becomes profitable
   Medium Scale: Characteristics of measuring        from the 3rd and 6th year, with costs ranging be-
   equipment and communication (Annex E-             tween 1000 and 10000 dollars according to their
   RMT) and technical requirements for inter-        size. Within the regulatory framework, we also
   connection (Annex ERD-T).                         see the growing legislative restructuring encour-
                                                     aged to develop different ways for both the pri-
3) General Rules for Interconnection to SEN or       vate sector and the public.
   permit generators with renewable energy or
   efficient cogeneration (published in the Offi-
   cial Gazette by the CRE, May 22, 2012).

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