Page 192 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
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92 © Vargas-hernández and Espinosa 2016 | Solar Panel and Renewable Energy
is expected that both their investment and gen- 3) Interconnecting and protection devices
eration costs will continue to decline signifi- 4) Current invertor. Rev. Optional for alternat-
cantly over the next few years.
ing current loads
There are two markets that can harness solar en- C. PV Isolated System
ergy for electricity generation: the intercon- Unlike the SEN interconnected systems, these do
nected electric systems and network or autono- not require a measurement device. However,
mous isolated systems. they require a battery bank and a controller to
store the electricity that will be used at other
A. Interconnected Systems to the Electricity times when the photovoltaic system cannot gen-
Network erate, such as at night.
Interconnected systems to the electricity net- Figure 5: PV Isolated System; Source: alternati-
work are mainly found in urban or rural areas, vasnuestras
which are interconnected to the National Elec-
tricity System (SEN). These systems consist of
the following components (Figure 4):
1) Panel or PV array
2) Current inverter
3) Interconnecting devices, protection and
measurement, switches, protection system
and bidirectional meter.
Figure 4: Example of PV System Interconnected 5. Solar Energy Industry in Mexico
to the Grid in a Dwelling; Source: CONUEE/ GTZ,
2009*Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Mexico is among one of the five countries consid-
ered the most attractive in the world to invest in
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) PV projector. It is still behind China and Singa-
pore because it is part of the Sun Belt. These are
B. Isolated Systems countries with latitude + -35 with respect to the
Equator and exhibit higher levels of solar and
Isolated systems are characteristic of rural or sunlight radiation on the planet. For Mexico,
isolated areas where it is not economically feasi- there are areas where there is a greater than
ble to construct a grid interconnection with SEN. 5kWh per m² radiation. The attraction also in-
These systems consist of the following compo- cludes other factors such as market potential,
nents (Figure 5). politics, business environment, financial stability
and renewable energy policies. The size of the
1) Panel or PV array electricity market, its projected growth in elec-
tricity consumption in the next two decades, and
2) Bank and battery charger its competitive cost of PV technology also cover
electrical networks and their ease of distribu-
tion, among other factors (Figure 6).
A. PV Solar
Mexico currently has an installed capacity of 33
MW in solar PV projects, mainly in applications
of rural and industrial electrification. Currently
there are several construction and development
Science Target Inc.