Page 194 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 194

94 © Vargas-hernández and Espinosa 2016 | Solar Panel and Renewable Energy

Figure 8: Growth Potential of Solar Thermal En-  The table looks like it has grown the national en-
              ergy in Mexico; Source IIE         ergy sector since early 2000 to late 2013 and can
                                                 be seen as the sector photovoltaic energy barely
                                                 appeared in the outlook in mid-2012 producing
                                                 only 0.01 of energy and being less than 1% of its
                                                 development potential (Figure 9).

                                                 B. Share of Renewable Energy Companies in

                                                 The following table shows the number of compa-
                                                 nies participating in the market for 2009, accord-
                                                 ing to INEGI. For this year there were 65 compa-
                                                 nies involved in this market segment. Gross pro-
                                                 duction for 2009 amounted to a total of 450,
                                                 968,876 units with a total investment of 29,
                                                 504,562 bp, which generated a total income of
                                                 522 313 705 million. Given the figures, we also
                                                 see that there are 27 companies that dominate
                                                 this market, contributing to 77.07% of it (Table

                               Figure 9: Gross Power Generation; Sources: SENER
Science Target Inc.
   189   190   191   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199