Page 190 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 190

90 © Vargas-hernández and Espinosa 2016 | Solar Panel and Renewable Energy

2. Objective                                          3. Background

This paper analyzes the renewable energy indus-       According to the National Association of Solar
try, specifically solar and photovoltaic (PV) pan-    Energy (ANES), until 2006, virtually all PV sys-
els. While Mexico is a new industry and an            tems installed in Mexico were in isolated appli-
emerging market, it is also a potentially growing     cations of the grid and electrical network, rural
market niche, making it a sector of business po-      electrification, communications, signage, water
tential that is economically viable. The period of    pumping, and cooling. However, from the year
analysis oscillates between 2000 and 2013.            2007, there are records of applications con-
                                                      nected to the grid and electrical network. This
This work is focused on the review and analysis       trend has continued in subsequent years so that
of the renewable energy sector since the opera-       in 2011, of 3.5 MWp installed in that year, about
tion of the technology, its application, its current  94% were connected to the electricity grid sys-
market, and chronological development, im-            tems. As shown in the figure below, the annual
mersing foreign and national investment as well       installed capacity of systems isolated and con-
as the sale and production of PV equipment. The       nected to the network has shown fluctuating be-
present study investigates these aspects using        havior in the period from 2005-2011 In cumula-
techniques such as Herfindal-Hirshman Concen-         tive terms, the increased capacity is 16.5 MWp to
tration Index (HHI) and Pascual concentration         32 MWp. Annual electricity generation increased
indices as well as game theory.                       from 23,235 MWh in the year 2005 to 44,974
                                                      MWh in 2010 (Figure 1)
The research questions are: What are the main
features of the RE market in Mexico? What is the
industry outlook both in development and pro-
duction? And who are major investment compa-
nies in the photovoltaic industry in Mexico?

   Figure 1: Evolution of Installed Capacity and Power Generation PV Systems in Mexico; Source:
                                                        SENER 2012

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