Page 193 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 193

International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(2): 89-98  93

projects of this kind that would have an installed  6. Market Structure
capacity of 39.1 MW. In late 2011, a Spanish com-
pany called Siliken invested in a photovoltaic      A. Major PV Companies in Mexico
power project in Durango called La Manzana del
Sol. The ame project has 100MW of installed ca-     Mexico is the leading supplier of photovoltaic
pacity now in its first stage and who estimates     modules in Latin America. With an annual pro-
that this would to have a total of 400MW in the     duction capacity exceeding 276 MW, it is still
five years after its initiation (Figure 7).         above countries such as Chile, Brazil, and Argen-
                                                    tina. Abengoa, Abener, Del Sol Systems, Microm,
  Figure 6: Daily Solar and Sunlight Radiation;     Iberdrola, and Silken are among the leading de-
                        Source: IIE                 velopers of photovoltaic.

                                                    High Solar-Thermal Concentration

                                                    Today in Mexico there are no operating plants
                                                    using technologies to harness solar energy. How-
                                                    ever, the state of Sonora is developing the project
                                                    171 CC Agua Prieta II, by CFE that consists of a
                                                    combined cycle hybrid system, 477 Mwe, and a
                                                    thermal solar field trough of parabolic channels
                                                    with a power of 14 MWe. It is expected that this
                                                    will enter into central operations in 2014-2015
                                                    (Figure 8).

Figure 7: PV Centrals in México; Source: CFE
                                       Science Target Inc.
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