Page 90 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 90

80 © Dina, Lindrianasari, and Asamaranti 2016 | Environmental Management Activity

Table 1                                                     (2012) which stated that environmental ac-
Green Accounting Measure                                    counting positively influences companies’ per-
                                                            formance. Richardson et al. (2001) has done the
Description      Green Accounting Issues and Scope          observation on social disclosure of the compa-
Pollution Pre-   Costs incurred to prevent air and water    nies. Richardson reported that there is a positive
vention Costs    pollution along with water treatment fa-   and significant relationship between the level of
Environmental    cilities and other activities.             environmental disclosure and the cost of capital.
Protection       Costs of energy saving measures as         He further argued that companies will do better
Costs            well as costs of global warming reduc-     disclosure when companies’ profitability is bet-
Costs of Re-     tion measures.                             ter.
source Recy-     Costs incurred for waste reduction and
cling            disposal as well as for water conserva-    Amran and Devi (2008) discuss how green
                 tion, rainwater usage and other            accounting literature has paid little attention to
Environmental    measures aimed at efficient resources      either organizational influences on a company’s
Restoration      usage.                                     practices or the ways a company’s practices
Costs            Cost of environmental restoration oper-    influence the organization. Dinah Shelton (2004)
Management       ations (eliminating soil and ground wa-    described the importance of and impact on the
Costs            ter contamination, environmental com-      green auditing system in relation to environ-
                 pensation, etc.)                           mental development. She pointed out that green
Social Promo-    Management-related environmental           auditing and accounting is the same and plays a
tion Activities  protection costs including environmen-     critical role in promoting the public and the
Costs            tal promotion activities and costs asso-   environmental organizations that could be
                 ciated with acquiring and maintaining      worked on based on the human rights approach.
Research and     ISO14001 certification.                    This means that environmental education is
Development      Environmental protection costs stem-       working in line with the human rights docu-
Costs            ming from participation in social activi-  ments context.
                 ties such as participation in organiza-
                 tions concerning with environmental        This research is supported by the triple bottom
                 preservation etc.                          line concept where this concept implements 3
                 Environmental protection costs for re-     pillars, that are people, profit and companies’ en-
                 search and development activities and      vironmental. This concept concern that focus of
                 costs of environmental solutions busi-     the companies not only on profit but also the
                 ness activities (green prod-               companies must focus to environmental activi-
                 uct/environmental technology design        ties. There are also some theories that support
                 and development costs, environmental       this theory, stakeholder and legitimacy theory
                 solutions business costs, others) etc.     where both of theories concern about compa-
                                                            nies’ responsibility of environmental and social
Previous Literature, Theoretical Concept,                   to stakeholders’ needs and the development of
and Hypothesis Development                                  the companies

Influence of environmental management ac-                   Along with the increase of environmental dam-
tivity toward finance performance of mining                 age and society’s awareness to protect their en-
companies                                                   vironment, companies, as a part of the environ-
                                                            ment, need to pay attention to environmental
There were various results from the previous re-            sustainability. The company itself as a legal en-
search that explained the influence of environ-             tity must be responsible to shareholders and
mental management toward companies’ perfor-                 stakeholders for their company’s management.
mance. This research supports Al Sharairi’s re-             The management must be able to show their
search (2005), which stated that environmental              good performance to the group related to finan-
costs positively influence a company’s competi-             cial performance and environmental perfor-
tive advantage and support the results of Aniela            mance. Because of this, when company conduct

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