Page 93 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 93

International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(1): 76-85                    83

Return on Investment on mining companies sec-        Surely, that thing is a correction for mining com-
tor which is registered in Indonesia Stock Ex-       panies related to environmental management
change 2011-2013.                                    cost disclosure because of exploration and eval-
                                                     uation. Environmental accounting must provide
Table 3                          T test Significant  valid information related to the advantages of
Results of the test              0.578 0.567         environmental management costs that can sup-
                                 -0.632 0.531        port stakeholders’ decision making. However,
 Model                                               consideration must be given to materiality and
 Constant                                            relevant significance. In environmental account-
 Cost of environmental manage-                       ing, materiality is placed in quantity spec and sig-
 ment caused by the exploration                      nificance is placed in quality spec. From the ma-
 and evaluation                                      teriality point of view, attention is given to the
                                                     quantitative impact from data which said in
In relationship between environmental manage-        monetary or physically, while significance fo-
ment cost because of exploration and evaluation      cuses on information quality from the environ-
toward the Return on Investment the legitimacy       mental point of view or future impact which fol-
theory and Triple bottom line is not happen. Le-     lows it.
gitimacy theory is a theory that is often used re-
searchers mainly related to social and environ-      Third Hypothesis Testing
mental areas. Although many researchers are
still in doubt of this theory, this theory has pro-  The relationship between environmental man-
vided clear perspective about confession of a        agement costs because of production activity
company from society. According to Ahmad and         and Return on Investment (ROI) found that the
Sulaiman (2004), legitimacy theory is based on       probability score of management cost because of
the definition of social contract and implicated     production activity variable is 0.012. This means
between social institution and society. Ghozali      that the score is below 0.05, so Ha can be ac-
and Chariri (2007) explained that to legitimate      cepted. There is a significant influence between
companies’ activity on society’s view, companies     environmental management costs because of
tend to use performance which is environmental       production activity and Return on Investment in
basis and environmental information disclosure.      the mining companies sector, which is registered
Meanwhile, Triple Bottom Accounting theory           in the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2011-2013.
has been a reference on some occasions and is
realized in three main components: person,           Table 4
profit and companies’ environment. Person re-        Results of the test
lated to humanism touch which organized by the
companies. Profit is a big economic variable that    Model                             T      Significant
shows the companies’ ability to earn profit. The                                       test
environment shows the symbiosis between com-         Constant                          0.578  0.567
panies and companies’ environment. Triple Bot-       Cost of environmental management  2.643  0.012
tom Line implemented by three domains: social,       caused by production
economy and environmental. Activity that is
done and developed to get a good image from the      Legitimacy theory and Triple Bottom Line theory
important person in the company. Companies’          are happened in correlation of two variables. Le-
responsibilities to the Triple Bottom Line’s pil-    gitimacy theory suggests the companies make
lars can be seen from two perspective. First, re-    sure that their activities and performances can
sponsibility is a moral and constitutional obliga-   be accepted by society. The companies use their
tion.                                                annual report to draw their environmental re-
                                                     sponsibilities so that they are accepted by soci-

                                                     Science Target Inc.
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