Page 91 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 91

International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(1): 76-85                        81

activities that support environmental manage-       3. Research Design
ment, management must maintain records of any
expenses related to the activity of the environ-    Variable of the Research
                                                    Environmental Management
This research doesn’t support Sarumpaet’s re-
search (2005), which stated there is no signifi-    Environmental management activity is infor-
cant relationship between environmental per-        mation about environmental accounting data
formance and financial performance, nor does it     based on Indonesia’s statement of financial ac-
support the research of Lindrianasari (2007),       counting standards number 33 (PSAK 33), which
which stated that there is no relationship be-      consist of stripping, environmental management
tween economic performance and environmen-          caused by exploration and evaluation and envi-
tal performance. This is because companies’ so-     ronmental management caused by production.
cial responsibilities through some dimension of
social cost don’t have economic consequences        Stripping = Stripping cost year t
because of the form, type and social cost strategy
used by the companies tend to have an indirect      Environmental management
effect. The companies do the social responsibili-
ties through some social costs seeing from per-     Exploration and = Exploration and Evaluation
spective and management motif, do not concern            evaluation asset year t
and provide stakeholders’ needs.
                                                    Production = Allowance for environmental
Hypothesis Development                                                 management year t

Based on previous research and theories that un-    Financial Performance
derlie relationships between variables that are
being investigated in this research, the hypothe-   Return On Investment (ROI) is used to identify
ses are:                                            potential money ratios which are going to get
                                                    from investment result. ROI is a money ratio that
Ha1: Stripping positively influences financial      gains in an investment, depending on the money
   performance in mining companies’ annual re-      being invested. The amount of money which can
   port, which is registered in Indonesia Stock     be gained or lost can be said as interestor
   Exchange                                         profit/lossMoney investment can be used as as-
                                                    set, capital, principal, basis of investment cost.
Ha2: The cost of environmental management
   caused by the exploration and evaluation pos-    ROI = Total selling - Investment  X 100%
   itively influence financial performance in                         Investment
   mining companies’ annual report, which is
   registered in the Indonesia Stock Exchange       Sample

Ha3: The cost of environmental management           The sample used in this research is mining com-
   caused by production positively influences fi-   panies that are registered in the Indonesia Stock
   nancial performance in mining companies’         Exchange. The sample of companies chosen from
   annual reports, which are registered in the In-  all populations of public companies in the
   donesia Stock Exchange.                          Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) are based on the
                                                    availability of data to count variables which are
                                                    explained before.

                                                    Analysis Method

                                                    The hypotheses set in this research will be tested
                                                    by using multiple linear regression analysis and
                                                    partial teat (t test). Every hypothesis will be an-

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