Page 92 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 92

82 © Dina, Lindrianasari, and Asamaranti 2016 | Environmental Management Activity

alyzed by using multiple linear regression analy-     between stripping variable toward return on in-
sis and partial teat (t test), which are good for     vestment on mining companies sector, which is
testing the relationship among the variables.         registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2011-
Research Method
                                                      Table 2
Environmental Activity                                Results of the test


Exploration and  Financial perfor-                    Model                T test  Significant
evaluation       mance                                Constant             0.578   0.567
                                                      Stripping cost       2.697   0.10

 Production                                           The confession to some stakeholders outside the
                                                      investor can influence the effectiveness of
Environmental Management Activity                     achieving companies’ goals, which has changed
                                                      the dimension of companies’ responsibilities
Independent Test                                      from economic responsibility in the form of
                                                      profit maximization to the prosperity of inves-
A regression model can be said to have suc-           tors, which is a broader prosperity achieved by
ceeded if it produces a good estimator that ful-      the company not limiting their interests to those
fills some assumptions which very influence to        of shareholders.
the change off dependent variable. Because of
that, descriptive statistic tests and normality       Based on PSAK 33, environmental management
tests need to be done first. Multiple linear regres-  costs are not limited to the activities above. Basi-
sion analysis and partial teat (t test) are used for  cally, this cost is to provide facilities for environ-
data, which normally distributed to test statisti-    mental management. This cost emerges because
cally the influence of environmental manage-          of the effort to reduce and control the negative
ment toward financial performance of mining           effects of mining activities and daily costs. PSAK
companies which are registered in the Indonesia       33 is aimed to treat accounting upon the strip-
Stock ExchangeBEI.                                    ping activity and environmental management in
                                                      general mining.
4. Result
                                                      Second Hypothesis Testing
First Hypothesis Testing
                                                      The environment is the unity of space with all
Stripping, which is used to open the mine, is         things, energy, condition and living creatures, in-
stripping that is done before the production be-      cluding humans and behavior, which influence
gins; and advance stripping is done during the        life and prosperity of people and other creatures.
production process. The cost of early stripping is    The mining activity in certain areas affects the
considered an asset, while the cost of advanced       environment around the mining location.
stripping is considered an expense. Based on the
results of the testing, it is found that there is a   Based on the results of the research, it is found
partial influence of probability value in stripping   that the probability score of environmental man-
variable (0.010), meaning that the value is below     agement costs are variable because exploration
the significant amount, which is 0.05, and it is      and evaluation is 0.531. This means that the
significant. Also, Ha is partially accepted and can   probability score is above the standard, which
be explained that there is significant influence      has been set at 0.05, and that Ha is rejected.
                                                      Therefore, there is not a significant relationship
                                                      between environmental management costs be-
                                                      cause of exploration and evaluation toward the

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