Page 94 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 94

84 © Dina, Lindrianasari, and Asamaranti 2016 | Environmental Management Activity

ety. Legitimacy is a system of company manage-       4. Simultaneously, there is a significant influence
ment which orient to society, government, indi-         among Stripping variable and environmental
vidual, and group of society.                           management cost because of exploration and
                                                        evaluation, and environmental management
Activity which done and developed is to get the         cost because of production activities toward
better image from the important person in the           Return on Investment (ROI) on mining com-
company. The company’s responsibility to pay            panies which are registered in Indonesia
attention to pillars of Triple Bottom Line can be       Stock Exchange 2011-2013.
seen from two points of view. First, responsibil-
ity is a moral and constitution obligation, which    This study shows that the cost to acquire the best
must be implemented. The company’s point of          technology that companies use when performing
view is in the middle of society not only as an      exfoliating ground at the beginning of produc-
economic actor but also as social actor. Second,     tion activity, bring a positive performance for the
responsibilities must be seen as part of business    company. Similarly, environmental management
strategy for long-term investment decisions to       implemented in the company also had a positive
place the company in a business environment          impact on the survival of the company. These re-
that is conducive and competitive. In the short      sults indicate that the company implement best
term, the consequence of that responsibility is      act in the management of the environment, in-
that costs can reduce profit, but in the long term,  creasing the company's performance. The conse-
the costs which are spent by the companies, can      quence of all this is the sustainability of the com-
make the companies better than others like it,       pany is increasingly assured. The main role of
expanding their market share. Basic characteris-     environmental accounting is to solve the social
tic of environmental accounting is appropriate       environmental problems and may have an
for relationship between environmental man-          impact on attaining sustainable development in
agement cost because of the production activi-       any country and influences the company’s
ties toward the Return on Investment (ROI) is        behavior in confronting social and environ-
relevant and can be proved.                          mental responsibility issues.

5. Conclusion                                        6. Suggestion

Based on the results in the previous chapter, it     Based on the analysis of the results and conclu-
can be concluded that:                               sions, which have been stated before, there are
                                                     some suggestions that we can give:
1. There is a significant influence between Strip-
   ping variable toward Return on Investment         1. Through the implementation of environmen-
   (ROI) in mining companies, which are regis-          tal accounting, hopefully, the environment
   tered in the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2011-          will be saved. In implementing environmental
   2013.                                                accounting, companies will obey the govern-
                                                        ment’s regulations where they run their busi-
2. There isn’t a significant influence between en-      ness. Based on the results of this research, the
   vironmental management costs because of              companies, especially mining companies,
   exploration and evaluation toward Return on          must be aware of environmental manage-
   Investment (ROI) on mining companies,                ment costs because it is very important to the
   which are registered in the Indonesia Stock          sustainability of the environment.
   Exchange 2011-2013.
                                                     2. For the next researcher, it is suggested to use
3. There is a significant influence between envi-       more samples that have different characteris-
   ronmental management costs because of pro-           tics from a sector related to the environment
   duction activities toward Return on Invest-          and expand the length of the research. In ad-
   ment mining companies, which are registered          dition, the next researcher should add an in-
   in the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2011-2013.           dependent variable that can influence Return
                                                        on Investment.

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