Page 67 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
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International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(1): 56-63 57
ability of energy from sources that are afford- adaptable and link education and action in
able, accessible and environmentally friendly addition to being responsible consumers
(Ram & Selvaraj, 2013). The global demand for (Centre for Environment Education [CEE],
energy is rising fast as the population increases, 2005).
and developing countries such as China and
India are undergoing dramatic economic Education for sustainable development is a
growth. It is estimated that the world’s energy dynamic concept that utilizes all aspects of
needs will be 50% higher in 2030 than they are public awareness, education, training and
today (ElBaradei, 2008). capacity building to create or enhance an under-
standing of the linkages among the issues of
Currently, 31% of India’s population lives in sustainable development (CEE, 2005). For
cities. These cities also generate 63% of the building momentum towards the energy
nation’s economic activity. These numbers are management movement, it is thus imperative to
rapidly increasing with almost half of India’s build the capacity of the masses so that they are
population projected to live in its cities by 2030. capable of making decisions and taking appro-
Smart cities focus on the most pressing needs priate steps towards the implementation of
and on the greatest opportunities to improve suitable energy efficiency measures. According
quality of life for residents today and in the to the Population Council in India, (2012),
future (Ministry of Urban Development, 2015). “India is a young nation with 30% of the
The concept of a “smart city” refers to “modern country’s population being adolescents”. Such a
urban competitiveness that highlights the high proportion of young people could work in
growing importance of social and environ- India's favor in terms of emerging as one of the
mental capital in profiling the attractiveness of a four major economies of the world by the year
city”. This process entails the development and 2020. Their energy and enthusiasm must be
use of various technologies, such as information guided into productive work. Their ideas and
and communication technologies (ICT), which innovations should be tapped for the
enable increasingly efficient use and consump- betterment of the society (President of India
tion of energy. The establishment of communi- Forum, 2010). Building capacity of adolescents
cation activities and raising awareness are key may help to reach the next four generations
components of all smart city projects, even in with the message to conserve and protect
cases where the main focus is on the techno- nature. Thus, towards this end present research
logical aspects. Communities have always been has been undertaken.
driven by such patterns. Smart technology is
increasingly developed and applied, and cities 2. Objectives
are becoming increasingly responsive to their
populations. However, this process is not - To scan the inclusion of information on energy
automatic. To become smart, a city must learn management offered in school and college
to direct its inhabitants towards a more healthy, curriculum
productive and sustainable lifestyle (European
Commision, 2014). - To assess the knowledge and skills of adoles-
cents towards energy management
Adolescence is best understood as a period of
transition from the dependence of childhood to - To develop a validated capacity building pro-
adulthood’s independence and awareness of gram towards energy management for
our interdependence as members of a commu- adolescents
nity. Adolescents are the main stakeholders,
future policy makers and a major resource 3. Methodology
group, and they play an important role in taking
up responsibilities, revolutionizing other stake- The sample constitutes students from private
holders and acting as a catalyst for bringing school, government and students from colleges
about change. These future leaders have of selected universities in Delhi. Delhi is a
immense potential to mobilize the masses, be
Science Target Inc.