Page 69 - IJES Special Issues for AIEC2016
P. 69
International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2016, 5(1): 56-63 59
Total percentage is greater than 100 because more than one option was available
Figure 2: Distribution of sample with respect to teaching tools and aids used at classroom level
while addressing energy issues
The majority of responses (61.1%) from private participants knew the meaning of energy
school respondents expressed that AV aids were efficiency and energy conservation, they could
used widely as indicated by Figure 2. However, not differentiate between the terms.
in none of the government schools were AV aids
being used. Only 30% of responses were Knowledge Regarding Energy Efficient Ap-
obtained for the use of AV aids in colleges. pliances and Practices
Another large (61.1.6%) section of responses
were obtained for lecture only. Use of tools and The pretest revealed that only 22% and 17%
aids was seen to be low for government schools could identify LED and T5 lights to be the most
and colleges. energy efficient, respectively. It was seen that
the majority (71%) indicated CFL and 67%
4.2 Knowledge Level of Participants indicated T5 to be the most energy efficient
lights. It was surprising to learn that most of the
Knowledge Regarding Basics of Energy Con- students were not aware of LED. Some also
servation and Efficiency opined that it was very expensive compared to
other lighting fixtures.
It was observed that 53.8% and 46.6% of
respondents could identify the correct meaning In the test, a large category (52%) opined that
of energy conservation and energy efficiency, automatic controls lead to a reduction in
respectively. The participants were asked to automatic controls. However, when asked to
classify the given actions into either energy identify some types of automatic controls, only
conservation or energy efficiency. It the test, 10% could name daylight sensors, and another
62.3% correct responses were obtained for small section indicated dimmers (7%) and
“switching off lights when not in use” and 50.6% occupancy sensors (6%). Respondents were
for “opening the windows in summer instead of asked to identify the meaning of the term
turning on the air conditioning”, identifying “energy auditing”. In the pretest, only 18% of
them as energy conservation. For the rest of the respondents identified the correct meaning.
categories, fewer than 30% correct answers Half (50%) of respondents indicated energy
were obtained. It was observed that although auditing involved checking energy efficient
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